Gang imagine

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Y/n's pov
I was walking to the Curtis house because I was extremely bored. I love everything about it over there except that I have to walk 20 minutes to get to my destination. I decided to take a break in the park because I was beginning to become out of breath. I sat on a nearby swing and was in deep thought about going to the nightly double that night, when I heard it. A blue mustang pulled up behind me. I didn't waist any time and bolted off the swing in the direction of the Curtis house. I was fast but the soc's were faster. One of them tackled me to the ground. "Hey grease!" He sneered in my face. I could smell the alcohol off his breath. "Let go of me!" I yelled then squirmed trying to get out of his grip. He grabbed a cloth he had in his back pocket and shoved it in my mouth so I couldn't speak. "Come on boys let's show this low life what real pain feels like". My eyes went wide as I continued to squirm. The one pinning me down punched me in the face as the others kicked my stomach and chest. I couldn't breath, and the rag in my mouth wasn't helping. The pain became more unbearable, I felt myself begin to loose consciousness. He hit me in my face again and then I saw blackness.


When I woke up I was still laying in the park, the soc's were gone, and it was dark outside. I sat up immediately regretting my decision. "OW!" I squealed holding my stomach. I slowly got up and made my way to the Curtis's. It was closer then my house at this point. "Your almost there" I had to reassure myself, pain was growing with every step. I walked in and saw everyone was there. All eyes went to me. "Soc's" was all I managed to choke out, I heard a few "Oh my god's" and "Y/n sit down's" before darkness greeted me again. I woke up on the couch. Pony's face hovered inches above mine. "Oh thank god your not dead" he hugged me. "OW! Pony please be gentle". Pony backed up immediately and I saw Soda, Johnny, and Steve. "Dal saw a few soc's drive by and wanted to make sure they weren't the ones who did this, Two and Darry went after him". Soda explained to me. The they all walked in. "They got away" Dally huffed. When they saw I was up Darry carried me to the bathroom and had me sit on the counter as he cleaned the cuts on my face. He brushed against my stomach and I winced. "Did they get your stomach to?" Darry questioned. I nodded and all the boys walked in. Darry slightly lifted my shirt and saw all the bruises and cuts. "Y/n I hate to do this but you need to take your shirt off". I nervously eyed all the boys about to protest but the pain that was sent through my chest made me agree. I slid my shirt off carefully leaving me in my bra. Pony's and Johnny's faces went red and they avoided making eye contact, occasionally leaving the room and coming back to check up on me. Dally smirked at me eyes staying glued to my chest at all times. Two was trying to make me less nervous and cracked jokes. Soda and Steve tried to get Dally to be more respectful while sending me reassuring grins every now and then. Darry just focused on cleaning me up. After he did he shooed the boys out of the bathroom and handed me the shirt. "I'm awful sorry about that" and smiled at me. "It's alright" I shrugged and put my shirt on. When we walked out Dally yelled "NICE RACK". My cheeks were hot and I could tell they were blazing red. Johnny glared at him "Be nice Dal!". Dallas rolled his eyes and Pony sat me down on the couch. "Get some rest". I closed my eyes and hoped they would stop talking about it by the time I woke up.


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