Darry imagine

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Y/n's pov
"NO DARRYL YOUR BEING INSENSITIVE!" I yelled at my boyfriend.
"I WORK ALL DAY Y/N." he continued to argue. "I CLEAN AND COOK EVERYDAY! JUST BECAUSE I MADE SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT!" I was fuming. I worked so hard to make his life around here easier, and here he is complaining that he doesn't want to eat what I made. "I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO LOOK FORWARD TO COMING HOME!" His eyes shot daggers at me. We stood on opposite sides of the kitchen. Moments ago laughs and shouts from the rest of the gang rang through the house, however they wouldn't dare make a sound now. "YOU HATE YOUR JOB! YOU KNOW YOU LOOK FORWARD TO COMING HERE!" I shot back beginning to pace back in forth. "I WOULD IF I KNEW I DIDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU WHEN I GOT BACK!". I stopped with my back facing him, that hurt. Darry hated coming home because of me? I tried to make his life better but I guess I just messed it up like everything else.

Soda's pov
The gang sat around the living room laughing "WHAT?" Darry's voice boomed through the house. We all stopped and looked towards the kitchen. "Did I do something wrong?" Y/n's voice was barely audible. Soon both of them were screaming. Then Darry snapped "I WOULD IF I KNEW I DIDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU WHEN I GOT BACK!" The footsteps you could hear before stopped and everything was silent. "Damn" Dally whispered from across the room. I felt y/n's pain from here. Just earlier she was talking about how she just wanted Darry to be happy. He was messing everything up.

Darry's pov
I watched her stop and tense up. Finally what I said had registered and boy did I regret it. "What?" She turned to face me, y/n's face had softened and she looked as if she was choking back tears. "I, um, look y/n" "save it Darryl" she cut me off then ran out of the room. "Y/n wait!" I yelled after her. Maybe I should give her some space.

Soda's pov
We all watched as y/n ran out of the kitchen with tears streaming down her face. She made eye contact with me and quickly ran out of the house. I stood and walked to where the fight was previously going on. "Y/n?" Darry turned around as I walked in. "Go after her man" he looked at me. "I'll head to our room in a second" he put his head in his hands. "She left the house" he shot up and ran out of the house without looking back.

Y/n's pov
I walked to the lot, where Darry and I first met. As soon as I sat down I cried. He hated me, and I didn't know how to fix it. "Y/n?" Darry spoke from behind me. "If you came here to break up with me just hurry up and do it." I sobbed. I heard him gasp "y/n I would never break up with you, I love you". I looked up, we haven't said that yet. "You love me?" He nodded and sat next to me. "I also need you in my life, I am so sorry for making you upset" he spoke softly. I smiled "it's okay super man". He leaned over and pulled me into his lap as he placed his lips on mine. "I love you too" I mumbled into his mouth. He smiled, "lets go home".

I feel like I did Darry dirty by making him a jerk in his first imagine in here, but like he's a sweetheart in the end. I am so tired my friends, and can't feel my arm from the way it's positioned so I'm going to leave this here. Thanks for reading! Bye!

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