Soda imagine

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Y/n's pov
I screamed when Two jokingly tackled me onto the couch. "Fine I take it, back are you happy now?" Keith smiled at me. "Yes, I'm glad we're on the same page". All I did was tell him Mickey wasn't my favourite cartoon character. He got off me and I sat up. He turned the tv up to max volume, I'm pretty sure it was just to annoy Darry who came in to yell at him. The gang was in a frenzy in the living room, so I was the only one to notice him. Soda quietly entered the house and snuck up to his room holding a opened letter. I followed him slowly, the gang didn't pay attention to me because they were to focused on watching Two and Darry wrestle over the remote. I climbed the stairs and walked to his shut bedroom door when I heard it. Quiet sobs.

Soda's pov

My mind was racing. Sandy. how could she do this to me? Pregnant. I loved her so much, I still do. Florida. It started when I was working my shift at the DX. She walked in and we talked like normal, nothing was out of the ordinary. She realized she had to leave and gave me a quick kiss goodbye then slid an envelope over the counter top. "Don't open it until your done your shift" she smiled then turned and left without a second look. When I read it I ran to her house. But she wasn't coming out to see me. Her parents said she was busy, I told them to tell her I wanted to help, that even if I wasn't the father I could be the dad. They just nodded and gave me a sympathetic smile. Then I started my walk home. She was gone, for good. That thought made me break down. Now that I was staring at my ceiling in the safety of my room I sobbed. I heard a noise downstairs but ignored it. It was so loud I didn't hear my door open until I heard her soft voice. "Soda? what's wrong?" My body tensed now that her presence was clear. "N-nothing y/n just go downstairs". She walked closer to me and carefully took the letter out of my hand. I didn't stop her, part of me wanted her to know. After a moment she sighed and laid next to me on the bed. "You'll be okay" Y/n whispered and hugged me tightly. "I promise". Then I realized, maybe it will get better.

Sorry this sucks it's just been so long i wanted to put something out. Thanks for reading!:)

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