Sodapop Imagine

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"Come on y/n please!!!" Soda whined again. "Soda I've said no four times already, I'm not saying it again." I tried to reason. "My partner bailed and I really want to go!" He pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes from the other side of the couch. "I'm not going ballroom dancing! I can't dance!" I laughed at his attempts to get me to go. He knew I hated dancing, it was a lost cause. "Please! I'll give you free stuff at the DX for a month!" I thought about it. That would save me a fortune, I went there daily. "Fine! But don't say I didn't warn you." He jumped up and hugged me. "Thankyou!!" I hugged him back. "I seriously suck at dancing Soda" he patted my head "you can't be that bad, now go get ready!". I rolled my eyes and smiled. The Curtis's let me live with them so I just had to walk up the stairs to get ready. I slid on black leggings and a white t-shirt. I quickly threw my hair up into a high ponytail and then walked downstairs. Soda was wearing athletic wear too. He smiled his bright smile at me. "Okay let's go!" he exclaimed he grabbed my hand and drug me to the truck.

********Time skip*************

The instructor was walking around correcting our mistakes. Soda held my right hand and his other hand rested firmly on the small of my back. "Don't be afraid to get closer dear, I don't think he'll bite." The instructor giggled at me as she walked by. I stepped slightly closer, "Come on y/n, I don't bite" he laughed and pulled me towards him. We were now pressed against each other. I stepped on his foot. "Oh I'm such a klutz! I told you I can't dance!" I sighed in frustration at myself. "Y/n, doll, don't sweat it! Just try counting, look 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4" we began to move in a smooth rhythm. "1,2,3,4" I mumbled to myself. When I looked up Soda was smiling his movie star smile at me. "What?" I laughed. "Nothing, doll, nothing" then he looked down and kept smiling. I smiled and shook my head then went back to counting.

*******Time skip********
Soda and I had been practicing for a while and I thought we were doing really good. I was sitting at the table with Pony and Darry when the middle Curtis brother burst in the room. "Y/N!" He ran in, in a frenzy. "Woah slow down there kid brother" Darry laughed. "WEGOTASKEDTODANCEATACOMPETITON!" Soda yelled out all at once. "Woah I didn't understand a word of that" pony stated, Darry and I nodded in agreement. "Tell us again, slower this time" I laughed. "We got asked to dance at a competition!!" Soda exclaimed. "WHAT?" I fell out of my chair. "Oh my god are you okay??!" Soda ran over to help me up. He pulled me up to fast and I ended up with my legs wrapped around his waist hugging him. "WE'RE GONNA DANCE AT AN ACTUAL COMPETITION". I yelled and he laughed. We hugged again. "Hey guys what's all the racket....." two spoke as the rest of the gang walked in. "Y/n why are you hugging Soda like a koala bear?" Steve laughed at us. "Go Soda taking advantage of where your hands can rest." Dally pointed out making the guys laugh. I realized his hands were on my butt. I looked at him and he was beet red. Soda let me down and I smiled at him then kissed his cheek. "Lets practice later" he nodded and smiled.

********Time skip again;)*********

"Y/n can we come in" I just finished getting changed into my dress. My hair and makeup was already done. "Yep!" I called out from behind the curtain in the corner of the room. I stepped out as the door opened. "You look mighty pretty y/n" Darry smiled at me the gang nodded in agreement. Soda was the last in he was dressed up too. I knew he was pretty before, every girl in Tulsa was all over him. But it wasn't until that moment that I realized how handsome he really was. When he saw me he stopped in his tracks and he smiled. "Y/n you look.. wow, I don't even know what to say! Just, wow" Soda stuttered. "Aw you don't look to bad yourself Pepsi-Cola" I laughed. We walked out to the side of the stage. "Next we have Sodapop Curtis and y/n y/l/n" the announcer called us on stage. The crowd clapped and we took our places. "Good luck gorgeous" Soda whispered in my ear, then the music started. While we danced I could feel the connection between us. It was magnetic. Every time we touched my heart would flutter. The song ended and we walked off. "You guys were amazing!" The gang gushed. "Thanks guys!" I smiled at them. We were the last pair to dance that night so the announcer got right into who won. (I know they all go on stage at actual comps buttttt for the sake of the story everyone will stay backstage). "The winners are, Sodapop Curtis and y/n y/l/n!". The gang started clapping and making a racket. I laughed and started hugging them. When I got to Soda we hugged. "Thanks for dancing with me" he whispered in my ear. "Thanks for being the best dance partner" I whispered back. I pulled away from the hug but Soda put his hands on my face and leaned in. His soft lips touched mine and I kissed him back. The gang let out a series of "whoops" and "get it Soda's". When he pulled away I smiled. "I've been wanting to do that for forever" I laughed at his comment. "So have I" he grabbed my hand and led me back to the dressing rooms.

So guys I just realized that I probably should have made this a Darry imagine but what are ya gonna do right, Exams are gonna be the death of me, I should be studying but here I am writing this so oh well. Thanks for reading! See ya next time, bye!:)

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