Sodapop imagine

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Y/n's pov
How I got to this point was beyond me. My bed was a mess, which was expected. I hadn't left it for almost five days. Nothing could distract me from the utter misery I felt bubbling up inside of me.  I tried movies, reading, and drawing, but all of that seemed too happy and honestly it just reminded me of him. Tom Mckean. My first love, what felt like the last love i'd ever have, the one that got away.  He had invited me to a party at Bucks which i then turned down because i was supposed to hang out with Soda and Steve that night.
      Tom and I got in a huge fight so naturally I thought it would be a good idea to go surprise him at the party to make up for it. I didn't expect for Buck to try and stop me from entering. I didn't expect everyone to whisper about me as i walked past. I definitely didn't expect to walk in on Tom kissing another girl. I barely remember running to the Curtis house that night but I got there.
When I entered my tears had almost completely stopped and Darry greeted me at the door. "Hey" there was brief pause and then my sniffling which grabbed his attention. "woah y/n what's wrong" his hands were on my shoulders so he could keep me in place and get a good look at my puffy red face. "have you been crying" those words seemed to open the flood gates and I collapsed in utter sorrow. "oh my god what happened" I could hear Soda rushing over to me. "It hurts so much it's all my fault! i shouldn't have blew him off" my sentence wasn't coherent because i was babbling and tripping over my words.
"y/n baby girl you're okay. I promise you'll be alright" a pair of strong arms met me on the ground and pulled me into a warm body, we stayed like that for a while. Eventually when i calmed down Soda picked me up and carried me to his room.
"are you ready to talk about it?" i couldn't find the energy to speak so I just nodded. the story took a while to tell. I was trying my best not to start crying again. When he understood Sodapop tucked me in before kissing my forehead and leaving the room.
The gang made occasional visits up to me but i really wanted to be alone. Tom crushed me i didn't feel like myself anymore. it was around five pm when the door cracked open. "hi y/n" Soda spoke softly. My eyes stayed glued to the ceiling. Tom didn't even bother to stop by. He never really cared about me.
         "Y/n? are you okay". A choked laugh escaped my lips. Did I look okay? Did he seriously think that i was doing okay? I finally allowed my gaze to trace the crease where the wall met the roof until i dropped it to the door frame, where Soda was standing seemingly afraid to intrude on my pity party.
        The look on my face must have tipped him off because he tensed before he rubbed his neck nervously. "yeah that was a dumb question, I know you don't feel alright right now". I forced my mouth to offer him a small smile. It was all I could muster up given my current mood, but he looked overjoyed by the gesture.
        Returning to my previous position of staring at absolutely nothing I began to think of why Tom did what he had. Sure I hung out with the gang a lot. But it was only because they were my family. How could he be mad at me for hanging out with the people who raised me?
The bed sank next to me, prompting me to look over. Soda was staring at the ceiling too, it was a little dark in the room because i had asked Darry to shut the curtains earlier. But I could still see the light hint of a blush staining his cheeks. "I'm not going to leave you alone right now".
Tears brimmed my eyes once his sentence left his mouth. It was in that moment I realized I didn't need Tom. I had everything and everyone i needed already. A light sob left my mouth when i turned my body to face him completely. Wrapping my arms around his broad figure i spoke in to his neck. "I love you Soda". He tensed at my muffled words before he let his arms hold me back. "I love you too y/n"

I made a short story for my come back:)
Also i just realized this is the exact same plot as the last imagine i did but reversed. BUT I ALREADY WROTE IT IM SORRY.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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