Johnny imagine

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Y/n's pov
The lot was cold, no it was freezing. The fire I very poorly made was barely even lit. As the wind blew my mind cursed itself for not grabbing a jacket when I ran out of my house. "Y/n" a soft voice spoke from behind me. Immediately a smile formed on my face after seeing who was behind me. "Hey Johnnycakes". Everyone in my gang was attractive, every girl would kill to get with Sodapop, or his younger brother. But Johnny, he was gorgeous to me. Plus his personality was the thing that made me really fall for him. There was absolutely nothing about him that would make me not like him. "What are ya doing out here?" He sat next to me and stared at my pathetic attempt at a fire. "My parents were fighting again" we sat in silence for a moment. The greaser sighed when he saw me shiver "y/n you must be freezing!". He quickly slid off his jean jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders. "Johnny no, you'll get cold!" I tried to give it back but he insisted. "I'll be okay, look I have this amazing fire to keep warm". That made me laugh harder then it should have. I fell over slightly holding my stomach. I didn't even realize that in my fit of laughter I fell right against Johnny, his arm had snaked around my shoulders joining his jacket. "Your laugh is so cute" I stopped and stared at him. It took Johnny a second to realize what he had said. Eventually his cheeks were bright pink and his arm was retreating back to his side. "Um I uh" he stuttered. "Your so cute" I laughed watching him light up at my words. "You think I'm cute?" I nodded and smiled. "Cuter then Sodapop" this made him smile in return. We sat in a comfortable silence again, cuddling to keep warm. "Hey y/n" I looked up at him. "Yes" the shy greaser hesitating before speaking. "I always wanted to try something" "Well what would that be". Johnny slowly leaned in, his soft lips carefully hit mine. When he pulled away he smiled. "We should get some rest" I nodded and cuddled back into his chest.

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