Dally imagine- lockdown pt2

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Y/n's pov
I gasped and grasped Dallas's arm tighter. "Why is it dark??" I silently begged him to answer. "It's okay y/n I turned them off so we can hide". Dally guided me to the other side of the room, away from the door. We sat under a table, although it was very small so I was in Dally's lap. "You know having you on top of me feels really good y/n" dally whispered in my ear. "Really? Now? You want to do this now?" I whisper shouted scolding him. "Sorry, god". I was shivering not because I was cold, but because I was scared. My eyes adjusted to the darkness allowing me to make out the door across the room and some things around me. *BANG* I heard another gun shot followed by screams and footsteps. They sounded close. I panicked and started to hyperventilate. When Dally's hand slid around my waist to hug me I yelped , I forgot he was with me. "Y/n, babe, your okay. I would never let anyone hurt you. You don't have to worry okay." The tough greaser tried to calm me down, it slightly worked. I relaxed into his chest. Some time passed with me and Dally just sitting there when I heard it. A step creak. I knew Dally heard it to because I felt his body tense behind me. "We're hearing things right? Please tell me that wasn't a step we just heard" Dallas just held me tighter, which gave me my answer. Then I realized Dallas only turned the lights off and did nothing else to prepare. "Dal" my voice was shaky and cracked with every word. "Yeah, doll" he barely whispered. "Did you lock the door?" Then the handle began to turn. My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't stop thinking about Johnny, Pony, Steve, and Two. And if they were alright. I closed my eyes and hugged Dally accepting my fate.

Darry's pov
(Bet you weren't expecting that)
I stayed home from work today because my back was sore. I was relaxing by watching tv when the phone rang. "Hello?" Everything after was a blur. The police telling me the school was on lockdown, driving to get Soda from the DX, and then to the school. Pony was in there, more then half the gang was in there. I just really hope none of them got hurt.

Y/n's pov
I was so busy accepting that I was going to die I almost didn't hear Dally whisper that the door locks automatically. I felt myself relax again. I could hear whoever was out there rummaging around. I wondered what they were looking for. Then I stopped breathing, I could feel my face grow white, and my blood run cold. "Dal" I started to cry. "Yes babe" he cooed trying to get me to stop crying. "Th-the key" Dallas inhaled and then the door handles turned as we heard a click indicating it had been unlocked. Light flooded in from the hall as the door began to open. Dallas quickly moved me behind him and he stood up grabbing a wooden plank. "Stay hidden" he whispered to me quickly kneeling down and pecking my lips. Then he ran behind the door. I saw a skinny boy walk in wearing all black and a ski mask. Gun in hand he scanned the room. Dallas quickly stepped behind him and brought the wooden plank down on his head. He fell to the ground immediately. I ran out and hugged Dallas. "Thankyou" I cried as he pulled me close. "Y/N! MOVE!" Dallas yelled and shoved me to the side. *BANG* I heard another gun shot. Dallas smacked the shooter with the plank again this time knocking him out. I desperately looked at Dallas searching his body for a wound. "Y/n" Dally walked closer to me. I looked down. My white top beginning to become soaked in red. I looked back to Dallas, he looked panicked. Then I dropped to the ground darkness greeting me soon after.

Darry's pov
By the time we got to the school the police cars were taking the shooter away. There were five ambulances lined up outside the doors. "Guys!" Soda called out and Pony, Steve, Johnny, and Two all ran to us. Pony hugged Soda, both began crying into each others arms. "Where's Y/n and Dallas?" I asked. "We haven't seen them" then paramedics burst through the door being followed by Dallas. He had blood all down the front of his shirt. His leather jacket also had blood rolling down the front. "Dal! What happened?!" We ran over. His eyes were desperate and watering. "Y/n" he whispered. We looked at the gurney being wheeled away. There laid y/n her eyes were shut and blood was soaked through her shirt. Dark red coated her skin and gurney. "Oh my god Y/n" Steve cried.  We got in my truck and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Dally's pov
We've been waiting for Y/n to wake up for hours. The doctors said she was stable and they got the bleeding under control. The rest of the gang left to get food but I wouldn't leave her side. "Y/n you gotta be okay, I don't know what I'll do without you. I told you that everything would be fine. I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you and I did. I'm so sorry. I- I love you alright y/n. God damnit I love you!" I started crying. I can't loose her.

Y/n's pov
"Y/n you gotta be okay, I don't know what I'll do without you. I told you that everything would be fine. I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you and I did. I'm so sorry. I- I love you alright y/n. God damnit I love you!" My heart stopped. He loved me? "Y/n please, please be okay" Dally was sobbing by now. My eyes shot open and I grabbed his face hovering over mine. Quickly my lips smashed on to his. When we pulled away I wiped a tear rolling down his cheek off his face. "What do you say that when I get out of here, we can hang out, alone ?" I suggested. He smirked at me, "you know it babe". He climbed into the bed with me. I thought about how much I loved him. "Dal, I love you too" I could hear his breath catch in his throat but he quickly relaxed. He kissed my forehead "be my girl?". I smiled "of course Dally" then I fell asleep in his arms.

This was longgggg. I'm so tired and stressed because I've had non stop cheer practice because I'm getting ready for my first comp. plus studying for exams so yay me🤪🤪 okay I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! Bye!

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