Dallas Imagine

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Y/n's pov

Sylvia. I hated her. She cheated and took Dally for granted to many times to count. Yet he always went back to her. I would never admit it but I was jealous. Jealous of how he looked at her, jealous of how he would forgive her, touch her, and worst of all how he would go back to her. Dal and I were the closest of the whole gang. Even closer then Johnnycakes and Pony, and lord knows how close they are. I'm pretty sure Johnny could kill someone and Pony would run away with him without a second thought. (Lmao YEET) I was the girl version of Dallas, care free, fun, and outgoing. But whenever he's on again with Sylvia it's like I don't exist. So that's why I was sitting alone and he was on the other side of the bar. I snapped out of my thoughts when Two-bit ran up and slung his arm around me. Even if I couldn't smell the liquor on his breath I would know he was drunk. "Hey hot stuff, what do you say we take this to the bedroom".I was taken aback because the gang never hits on me. Bucks place was crowded and I could barely hear his slurred words over the music. "Your drunk Keith" I shook his arm off as I laughed. Only to stop when I spotted them. Sylvia was dancing on Dal and he held her close. swaying and grinding to the music. Darry ran up to Two and I. "Hey guys! This party's great! so is this beer! oh my god all of this is soooo great". We convinced him to take some time to have fun because he was so stressed. And believe me he had a lot of fun. No way he wouldn't feel it in the morning. The whole gang was here, besides Johnny and Pony who were in the lot when we left. Last I saw of them the rest of the gang was also loaded. Even though he had a few drinks, Dallas could handle his liquor so we were the only two who weren't drunk. "Come on two let's go party." Darry pulled him towards a group of girls in the corner. "woooo partayyyy" Keith slurred and danced as he walked. I laughed and stood from my stool, walking into the crowd to find a guy. I knew I didn't have to do much for someone to come to me. I might be like Dal personality wise, but for looks I was a girl Soda. We didn't look a like at all, actually we were polar opposite when it came to that. But I was known as "the hottest girl in Tulsa". A title I was proud of. I danced by myself for a moment until one of the brumley boys came to me. He wasn't bad looking so we danced for a while. I looked up and could see Dallas watching as he half danced with his girl, not paying much attention to her. Turning back to the boy I was with I smiled at him and just had fun. Until he reached his hands around me and then down. "woah, could you not do that". "What's the matter doll? We're just having fun" he spoke and kept moving his hands. "seriously stop" When he didn't i began yelling. "Get off of me!" Suddenly he was on the ground, with Dallas on top of him punching as hard as he could. The rest of the gang was also crowded around ready to fight. "Dal stop! Don't get hurt because y/n is a prude!" Sylvia tried to pull him off of the brumley boy. Dallas got up and looked between the two of us. It looked like he didn't know what to say so I spoke up. "Sorry I'm not a whore like you and sleep with every guy I see" I spit on her and stormed out of the circle, the boys called after me but I ignored them. Standing by the bar I heard some people talking. "The girl can't handle her own problems I guess, so he got beat." some of the guys friends were standing near me. I just had to get out so I walked to the porch and lit up a cancer stick. "You okay?" Dallas spoke and stood next to me. His gaze was set in front of him and he lit a cigarette as well. "I'm fine, I can handle myself you know, you shouldn't have done that" I was mad and my harsh tone came out like daggers. "He was feeling you up and you didn't like it, I was protecting you". "I didn't need to be protected Dal! I'm not your girl so you can quit acting like that would even matter to you!". Dallas turned to me his eyes were hard and cold. "like what would matter y/n?". "That he was feeling me up, or like I matter to you at all because I know I don't at this point!" I was yelling and when I looked at him I realized what I said hurt. It was hard to tell with Dal because he also looked mad, but I knew I upset him. "Of course you matter to me! Do you think I would have beat that guys head in if you didn't?!" He was yelling right back at me. "You have to because we're all friends and the gang would be mad if you just let it happen!". "I do care about ya y/n! Goddamnit how do you not see that!" ". I scoffed "yeah because it's so easy to see when you run off with your little girlfriend 24/7 and don't give a damn how I feel! So why don't you just go with her and get a cheap 'night of fun' I'll be here alone, again!". He grabbed my face and kissed me hard. after a few moments he pulled away. "I love ya y/n! So of course I care about you! now shut your trap about it!". I stared in shock. The party inside still buzzing. "Do you mean it?" he sighed and looked down. "I loved you for a while, but a girl like you wouldn't like a guy with me. I don't deserve ya, so I stay with Sylvia." I just laughed as he stared at me like I was crazy. "Dal! I've loved you for months!" he smiled and shook his head. "Well I guess I'm pretty dumb then, huh". I leaned in and kissed him again then rested my head on his shoulder. After a moment I spoke "What are we gonna do about Sylvia?". he sighed "I'll deal with it later, I just want to enjoy right now". I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me. I could get used to this.

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