Gang Imagine

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Y/n's pov

"Stay gold, Ponyboy, Stay gold" I watched as my only sibling spoke and then took his last breath. "Johnny? Johnny?! No please! please come back to me!" I sobbed and laid my head on the side of his bed. "Come on Johnny, Come on don't die". I looked up to see Dallas, I needed support right now and was hoping he could offer it. Johnny and I always had it rough at home, he got the worst of it as he was a year older then me. But we both got beatings and yelled at all the time. Dallas helped us through it more then anyone did, and although I had Darry, I saw Dal as my only real father figure. He looked at me and for the first time in my life I saw him start crying. I was a wreck, tears spilled down my face and I sobbed uncontrollably. Dallas got up and ran out of the room. I was shocked he didn't come to comfort me like always, but I didn't blame him. I knew he needed to cope. So I went to the next best thing, Pony. Ponyboy was my bestfriend, the last five days without him and Johnny had been torture. The newly blonde greaser just stared at his friends body. He looked confused and hurt. I couldn't take being in that room so I leaned down and kissed Johnnys cheek and told him I loved him one last time, then I ran from the hospital. At first I wanted to go to my safe haven. The Curtis house. But I didn't, I ended up walking to the lot. My brother and I always went here when we felt lost and alone. We could find each other  and help them feel better. I sat on the leather couch and waited. I wasn't sure what I was waiting for, Johnny wasn't coming to look for me. Johnny was never coming to look for me ever again. Tears fell harder now, and I could barely see. Hours passed and eventually I made my way to the Curtis's. I stopped crying and just blankly stared at the road, thinking about my big brother and how much I wished I could just hug him again. When I walked in everyone was looking at Ponyboy. Man the rumble sure didn't do him any good, he looked terrible. "y/n, how are ya?" Sodapop stood in front of me. Even though I thought I had cried all my tears, I broke down again and ran into his arms. Soda was a lot taller then me, everyone in the gang was. This meant my face was buried in his lower chest and his arms were around my upper back. The phone rang and after a moment I heard Steve yell for Darry. A few minutes passed and Darry walked in, "that was Dally he needs our help". I refused to lose another family member today so I ran out of the house as fast as I could. All the boys were close behind. I turned a corner and saw Dallas pull his gun on the cops. "NO!" Steve yelled from behind me. The cops pulled their guns out. "STOP!" Darry yelled now. "It's not loaded!!" I screamed as loud as I could hoping the fuzz would hear me. gun shots. Dallas's body hit the ground. "NO!" I dropped to my knees next to him. "y/n" He whispered and grabbed my hand. Then he was gone. I heard yelling but I couldn't make out who it was or what they were saying. Tears spilled from my eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. "Dallas, no!" I sobbed into his leather jacket. I looked up at what was left of my broken family and saw Pony hit the ground. My mind was a mess, all I could think about was Dallas and Johnny. Reaching around his neck I pulled Dal's dog tags off and put them on. red and blue lights reflected off something in his pocket. Two's switch. I grabbed it and put it in the pocket of my sweater. I felt someone kneel next to me and hug me. I could smell the cologne and alcohol. Two-bit. "It hurts" I sobbed. "I know baby" he spoke softly and picked me up as Darry carried Pony back to the house. All you could hear for miles was police sirens, and the five of us crying into the night.

Pony's pov

I woke up and looked around my room. I knew I was sick before, but now I felt a lot better. Hopefully Darry will let me leave my room today. Soda walked in wearing his DX hat. "Hey Pone, Dar wanted me to tell ya you could get out of bed today.""thank god!"'I hopped up and ran to the living room." I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw y/n on the couch." Her smile that could light up a room was no where to be seen. In fact it looked like she did nothing but cry for the last week. "Oh hey y/n! we haven't seen ya since, well since everything happened." Soda spoke. I realized I didn't remember Y/n coming to visit me while I was sick. "Yeah I've just been out and thinking" she nodded to Soda then got up and hugged me. She started to get choked up. "You scared me to death Ponyboy!" I hugged her back. "How?". She pulled away and looked at me. "Well first Johnny died, then Dallas, and when you collapsed I" she stopped and sobbed. "I thought I lost you too". "I'll never leave ya y/n". Then for the first time in days she smiled. "good".

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