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- Lucy wait - he grabbed my arm, making my skin go liquid - For the record, I like your eyes too

- Then we can agree that we like each other's eyes - I replied with the beers on my head.

And maybe I'm attracted to more of you than just your eyes....

 Rock-paper-scissors so that you stay a little more  - he proposed out of the blue

- What? - I laughed

- What? Are you afraid of losing?

- Psh! Watch me win - I said it with a defiant tone taking out my hand in a fist - And what if I win?

- You say. But that won't happen - he replied with fun eyes, damn eyes

- Ro-sham-bo - I said choosing scissors - HA! - I jumped like a little girl watching his paper

- Fine, Lucy. You win - he said with a sad pretended tone - Now what?

- How much do you know about London food? - I asked having an idea

- I've been in a couple of restaurants....

- No, I'm talking about real food. Street food! Ugh, come on! - I took his forearm taking him out - I'm about to change your life - I said with a secret smile

- Where are you taking me? - he laughed - What about the boys?

- They will survived - For some reason I was having too much fun - Oli Baba's isn't far from here - I walked trying to remember the adress - They have the best Halloumi fries with pomegranate molasses, za'atar yoghurt, sumac, mint and wilderbee chilli honey for just freaking £6!

- I don't know what are you talking about but sounds like yummy food and I'm all for it

- It will be worth it! 

We walked in silence for like a minute when I heard Rami's voice

- Are you from London?

- Yep! Not born but raised - I replied proud of my city 

-What's your favorite Queen's song?

- Why? Is this some kind of test? - I laughed - "The show must go on" I confess, yours?

- Oh, I can't choose - he smiled at me

- That should be categorized as cheating! 

- What? No! All their songs are too good

- Fine you win on that - I said 

He was so easy to talk to. We walked about five blocks until we found the street food, talking about anything, a little here and there about Queen, I told him about my older sister Emma and he told me about his older sister Yasmine and his twin brother Sami, a damn twin brother? I couldn't imagine how could exist "two Rami" on Earth. We ended up talking about his move to London for the filming while we ate our order on a sidewalk bench.

- ... So you four ended up renting an apartment for y'all? - I tried to imagine an apartment with Ben, Gwil, Joe and Rami; Madness was the word that came to my mind. 

- We are not as crazy as you think - he smiled sideways in a very cute way

- I never said that - I replied to lick my fingers, damn this food was good. 

We both laughed when our phones rang at the same time


BoRhap BROKEN fam

(Joe: Deaky, Gwillyn: Dr. May, Ben: Rogerina, Rami: traitor #1, Lucy: traitor #2)

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