18. TOM

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Btw I just arrived in London

Can I crash in your couch for the night?

Maybe we could catch up!

LU ☀🌞

Sure thing!

See ya there

Tom and I have been friends for really long time, almost ten years and tried the dating thing almost three years ago, by the end of my battle with mental illness. We dated for almost two years but we realized we didn't love each other that way for more that we tried and we decided to stay friends, and we have been that way for over a year. He was there for me like one true friend in the darkest moments and I would be forever grateful for it. So yeah, sometimes I missed him too so I didn't mind the "I miss you badly" part.

- Something wrong? - Rami's voice brought me back to reality

- Nothing - I said with a smile - A friend has just arrived in London and ask me to stay at my house

- That is nice

- Don't you care? - I said biting my lower lip. Should I clarify that this friend was Tom?

Nope, what difference does it make? He was my just friend

- Not at all, I just hope you have fun. Although I will miss you in my bed

We ended our date by walking hand in hand to the door of my small apartment building in SoHo

- Thanks - I turned to face him in front of the steps leading to the door - You're always so special - my heart skipped while the butterflies flew through my stomach

- Flowers and chocolates, love - we both laugh at his words. It felt nice to have of own inside jokes

- Do you want to come in? - I proposed, feeling nervous about a possible meeting between Rami and Tom. I remembered how once while asking me about him he had called his "nemesis"

- It's okay, I'll just go for a few beers with the boys. And you have fun

I smiled and I leaned down to kiss him, he slid his hands around my waist, squeezing her tightly in a possessive gesture that I loved

- See you around - he said

- See you around - I repeated to observe how he walked away and took a cab

I sighed, oh Lucy, you're so lost. Rami did things to me. I walked with a silly smile forgetting about everything until I found Tom sitting in the doorway of my apartment

- Hi Lu! - He jumped to hug me

- Tom! - I returned the hug quickly

We separated a few seconds later. Tom looked different from the last time we had seen each other, he no longer wore his hair long. Now it was short and stylized but his blue eyes and baby face were the same, of course we were not the kind of friends that talked to every day but every time we met it was as if we had only seen each other yesterday, the affection was always the same

- And what brings you to London? - I asked as I opened my door

- London Symphony Orchestra

- Are you kidding me?! - I exclaimed surprised

- Fingers crossed! - he finished with hope in his eyes

Tom was a cellist, for the moment he played with the Manchester Camerata but had traveled to audition in the London Symphony Orchestra and make my wig flip! Things had changed a lot for us since the first time we met

- I have to go to the set early - I told him after we spent hours chatching up... about our work, because unlike his text Tom had not asked me anything about Rami and I was grateful for that.

I looked for some sheets and some blankets for him and the sofa hoping that he could sleep at ease there.

- Goonight, Tom - I said softly

- Goonight Lu - he gave a smile

I walked to my room thinking about my relationship with Tom. It was not a typical "exes" relationship. Before everything Tom was my friend and although we had tried to be something else it didn't work, not for lack of effort but our hearts never managed to love each other completly in a romantic way although we had tried for almost two years. Tom had been "my first" in almost everything. And he had been for me in the most difficult moments of my mental illness, that's when we discovered that we were better as friends. And since then, although we grew apart a little we had created this friendship and a special affection between us.

I wrote a goodnight message to Rami and although it was not typically me, I took a selfie by sending him a kiss in my cookies pajamas

RAMI 👑💓🍫

That pajama does things to me

Good night love

I bit my lip trying to hide my smile.

Rami was completely different from Tom, starting with his physique. Tom was the typical white English guy, and Rami was well... exotic. Tom was sure of himself, Rami could be a little awakward and insecure sometimes but it was part of his humility and I loved that.

I fell asleep with a smile thinking about Rami.


I took my bag which I had left in the living room and I glanced at Tom who was still sleeping peacefully on my sofa and I wrote him a note wishing him luck and left it on my coffee table and walked to the door ready to go to work.

- Rami - I said with a smile finding him with his hand outstretched to knock my door. Immediately a smile spread across his face but out of nowhere his smile turned into a frown watching some point over my shoulder

- Lu - Tom's voice came from somewhere behind me

Oh fuck, this looked bad, didn't it? A newly awakened Tom in my apartment

- Rami - I said trying to explain

- You must be Tom I suppose - Rami extended his hand to my friend, squeezing his jaw making it look even more attractive. Fuck, Lucy! It's not time to think about those things

- Rami, right? great pleasure - replied Tom

Rami looked tiny next to Tom who was much taller than him and me

- I must go, just remember Polly is waiting for me - he walked out without even giving me a look

- Rami wait!

Today they would not record any concert scene, Polly definitely was not waiting for him. Rami was definitely avoiding me

- Fuck

I should have told him, right?

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