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I rolled in my bed, reaching out and blindly searching my phone and with one of my eyes open I read the notifications finding messages from my friends and family congratulating me on my twenty-fourth birthday. Wow! I sat down suddenly, it was my birthday! I went through my messages replying with thanks and emojis. There were texts from dad, mom, my grandparents, Emma with whom I would share a dinner tonight and of course Ellie and Tom, and more of my friends but strangely none of my girlfriends nor from my real boyfriend ... really suspicious.

I jumped up happy with these years bday because that meant that I would not be 13 years apart with Rami, only 12 ... at least for a couple of months. I laughed at my silly idea, really the difference in age had not been made so manifest so far. We both enjoyed almost the same things and we carried the relationship well as it was. It made me a little sad to think that the filming was about to end but above all because of my girlfriends, because Rami and I would probably continue with the dynamics of going from one place to another. I had plans to start shootiny my new series in NYC so I assumed that I would only have to go to visit him in Los Angeles where he lived most of the time and vice versa. It did not sound so bad really, I just needed to find a nice place in the big apple. And note to myself: talk about it with Rami to get our schedule right. I was thrilled about the idea of moving our relationship to the States. It will be new and fun. 

I called an Uber to go to the filming set, every time my scenes were less and that day I would not have to film but today and for my joy the whole sequence of the I want to break free video clip would be filmed and what could be better on my birthday to see the boys dressed in drag? Exactly, NOTHING. So the guys had been rehearsing until late at night while I had gone out with my friends which explained why I had not slept with Rami.

I walked inside the set receiving hugs and gifts for my birthday from the crew, I felt really happy and appreciated and the day was just beginning, and although I still had no signs of life of my four favorite guys. I walk inside the set while today's main song sounded by the speakers, the production sang it without even noticing while everyone finished the last details with a smile on his face. There was an air of calm and serenity on the set and I loved that, since Dexter had arrived as director everything seemed better

- Lucy! - Allen reached me, already characterized as the infamous Paul Prenter that had nothing to do with the real person behind the character - Happy Birthday

- Thank you - I said fondly hugging him back - Oh God! - I exclaimed as soon as I saw the filming set today, it was an exact replica of the original set. The stairs, the living room, the kitchen, even the vacuum cleaner was there - this is amazing

- It's crazy, right? - Allen mentioned

- Sweet Lucy! - I heard Bri's voice - Happy birthday, little one - he said extending his arms, fuck a hug from Dr. May was undoubtedly one of the best and most comforting things on the planet

- Thanks, Bri - I said as he gave me his bear hug

- Hey curls don't monopolize the girl - Rog's voice made me laugh and I separated from Bri to watch him - Congratulations blondie! - he said and kissed my cheek with a smile - We want to introduce you to someone - he said

- This is Peter Freestone - Bri told me

- Phoebe! - I exclaimed glad to finally meet him, we all laughed at the mention of the nickname that Freddie had given him.

We started talking about the filming of the original video and I found myself fascinated by listening to the anecdotes about it. And out of nowhere the crew swirled in front of me, I stopped what I was saying and I observed them odd, but what the hell?

- Happy birthday to you ... - everyone started to sing the famous song and Dex told me to look behind me.

I stuck with my own saliva when I observed the boys, or I should tell the girls. In a ridiculous grandmother's outfit, with her face painted pale and red lips Joe carried, in the middle of a busy coat and hat, a cake next to Gwil wearing a long pink dressing gown and his wig full of curls with a pink lipstick, the big cake had a big "24" and the letters "happy birthday Queen Liza", and after Gwil and Joe came the most beautiful girl of all: Rogerina 2.0 who came to hug me with her long blonde hair and her little bows to give me a bouquet of daisies, yellow roses and a sunflower. God, this must have been the funniest and sweetest scene, I could not stop laughing but finally I let out the biggest laugh when Rami approached. His little chicken legs did not go unnoticed in those black tights and his miniskirt, he wore false eyelashes and big pink earrings and lipstick

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