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We waited impatiently for a few minutes until finally the door of the meeting room opened, four men in suits walked outside and behind them walked Shitnger, who smiled as soon as his gaze met mine. 

- Bastard - Rami whispered under his breath

Our lawyers appeared after them indicating that we should enter the meeting room, inevitably we had to go past them

- So you know you are wasting your time - our former director spoke when we crossed

I heard Rami take a breath in exasperation and I was forced to push his ass inside the room, I gave Shitnger one last poisoned look although seeing him gave me nightmares.

- Bad news - one of the lawyers told us as soon as we were alone with them - Mr. Singer called breach of contract for his dismissal without just cause

I let out an ironic laugh and the men in the room issued insults

- We have the text messages and the testimony of all of us about what happened! - said Grahamn

One of the lawyers took out our contracts and showed them to us

- At the moment of being hired, you all signed a non-disclosure clause. Nothing that happened can be made public not even to the authorities at least until the contract is over

- The contract is over when the awards season has passed after the premiere- said Jim Beach surprised

- That's almost two years away! - exclaimed Rami frustrated

- But since his contract is over and yours isn't he can talk about your "attack" to him in every moment...

- What?! - my voice was broken, that would compromise all our careers

- He deserved that and more! - Rami said with a furious tone

- ... But he promised he wouldn't tell a soul - continued the lawyers

- How kind of him - Bri said with a sarcastic tone

- An angel - said Rog

I felt my stomach give a disappointed turn, so Shitnger won. 

-These things can't keep happening - I said annoyed standing up

-Don't worry darling, we'll give him hell as soon as this is over - Roger told me

- We just have to be patient - added Brian

-  And don't worry he's in trouble anyway. He has received two complaints for sexual assault this month - said one the lawyers

I shook my head and walked outside the room to take a break. I was so disappointed

- Don't let him win

- He IS winning! - I replied to Rami who reached me - Don't you get it?

- No - he took a step close to me - He will win if you let him ruin one of the best experiences of our lives. He's losing already and like Rog said, we will give him hell as soon as this fucking contract is over. Meanwhile let's enjoy what is left of this beautiful ride - his eyes watched me intensely, the color in them glowing fiercely

I took a big breathe absorbing Rami's words. He had a point, I won't allow him to ruin BoRhap for me. This was a beautiful experience that I will treasure all my life.

- Okay, let's just get wasted - I asked tired of all this issue when Rog, Bri and Miami joined us. We all nodded and walked outside. To my surprise there was a fucking limousine waiting for us, well  let the Queen party begin!

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