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Daryl was telling me what happened to Karen and David, they were killed in cold blood.

"That's horrible," I sighed. Carl came running.

"Carl you shouldn't be i-" Daryl started.

"Katie's sick," Carl stated out of breath.

"What?" Daryl and I said in unison. My heart raced, "Where is she?" I asked.

Katie walked in, her eyes were blood shot, she was coughing, and she was more pale than usual.

"Katie," I said softly.

"When did this happen?" I asked.

"About an hour ago," She coughed, "It started getting worse."

"Come on, we're taking you to Caleb," Daryl said scooping her into his arms, he walked quickly, taking her to the doctor. I followed right behind him.

We layed her onto a cell bed as the doctor walked in.

She coughed and coughed, spitting blood onto the floor.

"Sorry," She muttered.

"Don't worry about it," Caleb said. He took her temperature, 103.4.

"Can one of you get a rag, soak it in cold water," Caleb commanded.

"I got it," Daryl said quickly moving out the door. He came back less than a minute later. Caleb layed it across her forehead.

"You two need to go," Dr. S. told us.

"I-" I started.

"Now," He commanded. Daryl grabbed my wrist gently and we walked out. He let go once we left.

"She's gonna be fine," I said to myself, wiping the tears forming in my eyes.


Daryl went to a council meeting, I skipped out.

"We're going on a run, to the veterinary clinic, for medication," Daryl stated.

I nodded.

"I'll make sure Katie is the first one to get it," He said softly. He grabbed a duffle bag.

"I'll go with you," I stated.

"No, yer staying here, for Katie," He replied, I nodded and he got a few people together. They packed up for the run.

Daryl's P.O.V

KATIE IS FUCKING SICK! We were on the road, Michonne, Bob, Tyreese, and I. I was driving fast. The radio began to say words, it was drowned out by static, but there were words.

Stay alive.... minus... sanctuar....

"Is that-" Bob started.

"SHHHH" Michonne hushed him, I got distracted and when I looked up again I nearly hit a walker, I swerved to miss it and suddenly there was a herd surrounding the car. Hundreds, if not thousands ahead of us.

"Hang on to something!" I yelled as I sped backwards. I hit a pile of walkers, when I tried to move forward, the wheels spun, we were stuck. Blood splattered on the back window.

"Run through the gaps right there, straight into the woods, you don't stop for nothin, ya hear?" I commanded.

"Now!" I yelled I jumped through the sun roof and killed two walkers ahead of me. Michonne killed anything blocking her path. We ran, but Ty stayed behind to fight. Stupid.

We ran into the woods, I would've tried harder to save him, but I've gotta save Katie. We ran through the bushes and a moment or two later, Tyreese came through.

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