The Man I Hate

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Katie's P.O.V

It was time for the decision about Rick. I was forced to go to Carl's. I walked through the door. Carl was sitting on the couch, Judith was no where in sight.

"Judith is sleeping," Carl said answering the question that I hadn't yet voiced. Me looking around the room must've gave it away. Rick came from the kitchen looking really stressed.

"Just behave yourselves please," Rick sighed walking out the door.

I awkwardly stood in the doorway as Rick shut the door behind him.

"Come sit," Carl said. I awkwardly sat on the other side of the couch from him.

"I don't bite," Carl chuckled.

I stayed silent.

"What happened between us?" He asked, "We used to be best friends, we spent all of our time together, I was your first kiss, I fell in love with yo-"

"Do you people even know what love means?" I snapped.


"If you loved me, you wouldn't be running around with some other girl. You wouldn't be chasing her you'd be with me," I whisper yelled not wanting to wake the baby.

"So I can't be friends with other girls?" He hissed.

"You guys are not just friends," I snapped back.

"Kate, I love y-" He started.

"No, stop it. Love is like Carol and Tanner or my mom and Daryl. You do not love me," I cut him off.

"Well you don't like Ron either," He stated.

"You don't know who I like," I growled.

"Kate, can we talk about this?" He asked.

"I think we've done enough talking," I snarled. I stood up and stalked to the door. Carl had grabbed my arm and I shoved him off.

"Where are you going?" He demanded.

"I don't know who you think you are," I seethed looking him in the eyes, "but you're starting to turn into the man I hate."

His breath caught. He trembled and I don't know if it was from anger or what.

"You did not just compare me to Theo," He snapped back, shoving me into the door roughly.

"I don't even need to compare anymore, you're turning into a spitting fucking image of him!" I yelled. Then Judith cried.

"Look what you fucking did," He hissed, "Get out of here!"

I ripped the door open and slammed it shut again, tears spilled from my eyes, I walked down the street, I wasn't quite ready to go back to the house.

I was a street away when I heard the unforgettable sound of a walker, this one almost a nonstop growl as I turned my head, Rick was on the ground. He was supposed to be at the meeting. He was about to get bit, but he was tearing off the it's head with his bare hands.

"Rick!" I yelled. The sound of the skin tearing and the roaring of the walker was enough to make my skin crawl. I sprinted, throwing myself into the walker, causing the walker and I to roll. I ended up on top, holding the walker down, Rick was up quickly and stomped the walkers head into the ground until it was nothing but a splattered mess of gore.

"Thanks," Rick panted, "Why aren't you at the house with Carl?"

"Cause your son's a douchebag," I said without thinking.

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