Joining MSU EMS

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I arrived at Professor Jones's class just on time, out of breath.

There was no other option but to sit in the back row. All the seats had filled up so quickly. Majority of the class were women who secretly want to spend the night with him. Although I feel a bit jealous and possessive, I know by heart that he is all mine. He had every opportunity to pick and choose any girl he wanted, or maybe even have as many one night stands as he liked. Yet, he always remains professional and sincere. Except for that time when he lost it and fought with Peter. That was scary...

The class began to mumble to each other. Everyone agreed that it is odd for our instructor to be late. I looked at my phone. Ten minutes late. It's not like him...

Another five minutes passed. There was still no sight of our professor. Sebastian, where are you? You're not like this. Did something happen?

Someone burst through the doors. A medic stood there, scanning the entire lecture before landing her eyes on me. Isa...

"Layla, I need you," Isa pleaded, "Please come."

I grab my things and follow Isa out of the lecture hall. She took me to the school's parking lot. To my horror, I watch Sebastian's body lying motionless on the ground in a puddle of blood next to his car.

"What happened!?" I shouted.

"A bystander explained someone approaches the victim, exchanged a few words, then shot him. Right now, we're trying to stabilize him and wait for the authorities to arrive. However, I never dealt with a bullet case on this campus. In the last three years, this is the first I feel useless. He's unconscious and I'm so scared to even try since the bullet is around his heart..."

My heart is breaking. I don't understand who would have the audacity to try to kill him during this time of day and on campus. Right now, I cannot panic. My love is in danger of being taken by Mors. I cannot allow him to die!

"Give me a flashlight."

Isa handed me a thin flashlight. I turned it on and examine the area. He is so lucky that the bullet dented his sternum, not his heart...

"It's lodged in his sternum," I said, "I cannot remove the bullet as it needs to be done by a surgeon and a controlled environment. What I can do is try to stop the bleeding. Before I can do that..."

I checked his pulse on his neck, before observing the rising and falling of his chest. Pulse: 120...8 breaths, rise and fall a minute...With gloves on, I began to cover the area with some white cloth. With another, I clean the surrounding area of the wound while gently applying pressure.

"Did you take his blood pressure? "I asked Isa.

"I have not..."

"Please do, and quick!"

Isa was hesitating but did just as I said. She took Sebastian's blood pressure using a stethoscope and manual pressure cuff.


"Damnit!" I shouted, "Where are they? He needs to be taken to a hospital!"

Isa looked at me with fear in her eyes. She is not used to being put in a situation where there's nothing she could do.

"Where are the other medics?" I asked.

"They have not arrived yet," she explained, "I am the first on campus, usually. They should be coming in another... 5 minutes?"

"Did you call them? Maybe they are here, but we don't know..."

"They won't be as much help as I am..."

The Wolf and The Medic: An Is It Love  Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now