3 - Definitely the negative pole

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On Tuesday he stole my moonstones in Potions, so I couldn't finish my potion. Luckily Snape saw and deducted 5 points from Slytherin, so I guess I didn't mind in the end.

On Wednesday he found it fun to move locks of my hair around during Transfiguration. I constantly shot him glares, but he only gave me a cocky smirk in return.

"What's his problem with you?" Cho asked me that day and I shrugged. "He either likes you or hates you with passion", Luna had said and I found that an accurate statement.

Thursday he made me trip when walking into Charms, which really pissed me off. I had pushed him against the wall with my wand at his throat, which he didn't really appreciate. He seemed scared even. "I'll bloody kill you", I said and removed my wand. This made him regain his confidence, sadly. "Kiss me? I'd rather not", he said and I could've punched him square on his jaw if Cho hadn't pulled me away from him. Bickering with him was kind of fun, but he also knew exactly how to set me off.

Friday was the day of the Quidditch tryouts and I was so excited.

"Are you ready for the tryouts?" Cho asks when we're having lunch. I can barely eat because of the nerves.

"Yeah, I hope so", I say, pushing around the grapes on my plate.

"I've put in a good word for you, so Roger will definitely pay attention to you", Cho says as she nudges me. I smile at her gratefully.

"Are you guys having the field tonight?" a guy asks who walks past. I recognise him, obviously. He's been the highlight of every paper the past couple of years. Potter.

"Yeah, we're having tryouts", Cho says and she seems shy.

"Oh, okay, good, well, bye", Potter says and leaves.

"Bye Harry", Cho mumbles.

I study her face. She's crushing.

"What was all that about?" I ask her and she looks away, pulling her robes straight.

"Nothing, just Harry", she says as a blush reaches her cheeks.

"Right", you say with a wink and she turns a whole new shade of pink.

I did not have Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin, nor Care for Magical Creatures, my favorite subject, so I didn't see Malfoy that day. Maybe it would be more fun if he were to be in that class because this new teacher, Dolores Umbridge, is the definition of hell. Her pink... everything does not match her personality. She is downright evil. On top of that, we're not allowed to use our wands in her class. What kind of nonsense is that even?

Luckily I had the tryouts to look forward to, yet time seemed to pass slower than ever.

I was walking through the castle with Cho in our Quidditch outfit. Cho had lent me one since I didn't own one yet and I held onto my broom tightly. It was a Nimbus 2000. Not the latest model, but definitely a good broomstick.

"Is someone trying out for the Quidditch team? I have to go see that".

I instantly know who it is and turn around. "You shouldn't, I don't think jealousy would look good on you", I say.

"Jealous? Of you? That's funny", he scoffs. "I'm the best seeker Hogwarts has", he states with a cocky grin. I roll my eyes.

"Technically, that's Harry", Cho mumbles. "Not even technically, it's just Harry", she adds, almost talking to herself.

"Shut up, Chang." Draco spits, accompanied by an icy glare. Cho looks down, clearly intimidated. Just as I'm about to react, he turns back to me.

"I bet you won't last ten minutes", he says.

"I bet five", a girl next to him says, probably his girlfriend.

"What are we betting for?" I ask and step closer.

"If you make it to the team, I'll do your potions homework for two weeks", he says.

"A month, straight A's."


"And if I don't?" I ask. Draco's silver eyes are shining. He's enjoying this hardcore.

A long pause follows.

"You have to kill Filch's cat", he states.

I had seen them a couple of times, Filch and his cat. He seemed really attached to the thing. Kill it? Why would Malfoy want me to do that?

"Scared?" he asks when I don't immediately respond.

"What have you got against Filch or his cat?" I ask. I mean, no one really likes them, but to kill them?

"Nothing really, I just know that Filch will do everything to find out who did it, and if he does, you'll definitely get expelled", Malfoy says. "And that's the goal", he whispers, his face only inches away from mine. He really is downright evil.

"Come on Y/N, this is nonsense", Cho says and pulls me by my arm.

"Deal", I say and follow her. That kid is going to be the death of me.

"I hope you get hit by a bludger. Maybe in your face, that could use some reconstruction", he says and him and his presumable girlfriend laugh.

"Seriously Y/N, why do you let him get to you like that? He never has good intentions", Cho says as we make our way to the Quidditch field.

"I don't know Cho, he just really knows how to push my buttons", I say.

"He doesn't even have to try, you react to everything he does. Why don't you ignore him?"

"I really don't know, I guess... bickering with him is kind of fun", I state.

"Well it's leading you straight to expulsion and you've only been here for a week!" She exclaims.

She's kind of right, but how boring would my day be without Malfoy. I just now realise how crazy that sounds. I could easily do without him. He's arrogant and a jerk and rotten to the core. Yet he was also like a magnet to me. Him definitely being the negative pole.

"It doesn't matter. It made me even more determined to kill these tryouts, so let's do so", I say and pick up the pace.

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