Chapter 3

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I knock on Reginas door at 9 o'clock on the dot. She opens the door and I'm speechless again. She's wearing tight blue jeans and a white Aerosmith T-shirt. "Good morning Emma. Right on time".  Hello Gina. You ready for breakfast?"   "Yes dear". I step back and she steps out into the hall and closes the door behind her. "It's a nice morning, would you like to walk to Granny's? It's only a few blocks over".  "A walk sounds nice".  As we are walking she reaches out to take hold of my hand. I look at her and we both smile as I give her hand a gentle squeeze. Walking by a park we smile as we watch the kids chasing each other around. We see a little girl fall down so we stop. A little boy goes over to help her up and they both run off again. "Oh Emma that was so cute".   "Yes it was. Do want kids some day Regina?" She doesn't answer me right away. "I'm sorry. Was it to early to ask that question. You don't have to answer. It's just I saw your face when you looked at those kids and, well I don't know". I shrug.  "It's ok Emma. I'm sorry. It's just my mother wasn't the best at being a mother. I'm just afraid that if I have kids I'll be the same way. I want to be a loving mother to my child". She says and gives a sad smile. I put my hand on her face and rub her cheek. "If that's what you want, then that's what you will be Regina. Just believe in yourself".  She leans in and gives me a small kiss. "Thank you Emma". I nod and we continue walking to Granny's. We sit outside because it's really beautiful out. "I never got to ask you, do you want children some day Emma?"   "Some day. Ya, I think so". She gives a laugh as she puts her fork down abs wipes her mouth on the napkin. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh, but what does I think so mean?"   "Well I think maybe it's the same as you. Sure I'd like to maybe have kids one day, but since my childhood wasn't that good maybe I won't be good enough for the kid. You know what I mean?"  "Yes unfortunately I do".  "Ok how bout we change the subject to something else?"  She nods. "So Regina tell me more about what you do".  "I said the other night that I'm a corporate lawyer, what that basically means that I have to make sure our clients business transactions are in compliance with the law and that all their legal issues are dealt with properly".  "Sounds kinda complicated. Did you always want to be a lawyer?"   "No. I actually wanted to become a teacher".  "Then why aren't you?"  "Well, my mother. We all had to be what my mother wanted. When I told her I wanted to be a teacher she said that even though that is a noble profession, it wouldn't live up to the Mills name".  "Wow. I'm Sorry Regina, but she sounds like a piece of work". She chuckles and says "That she is".  "Tell me about you Emma?"   "Well, I've been a police officer for 5 years and I love it. It's definitely trying sometimes, but at the end  of the day the good guys almost always win". I look at Regina and she has a cute smile on her face. "Have you always wanted to be a cop?"  "Yes. But I never thought I would be one. Growing up was hard for me. I didn't get the encouragement most kids get. I'm sure you know the feeling". She looks down and nods. "I was actually arrested a few times, for stupid things really. The last time I was arrested I spent 2 years in Juvenile detention. When I was released at 18 I had no where to go, no home, no money, no family, just me. I remembered Ruby from one of the schools we went to together and how she worked in her grandmothers restaurant. I came here and saw Ruby and asked if they needed some help cause I needed a job. She talked granny into it and I started bussing tables, then waitressing and became an occasional grill cook".   "Wow Emma. That's quite a story. Did you live here with them when also?"  "Well not at first. I always tried to work from open till close, so at the end of the night I'd find a bench in the park to sleep on. I used to get trial memberships at different gyms just so I could take a shower there. One night about 2 weeks later it was raining heavy with thunder and lightning. I was scared to death. I know it's the lightning I should worry about but the thunder scared the crap out of me, still does sometimes. I was sitting by the back door waiting for the storm to pass to go back to the park when all of sudden the door swung open and hit me. It was granny throwing out the last of the trash. The door hit me and I jumped up yelling cause it hurt. Granny almost had a heart attack. She asked me what I was doing. I didn't want to but I told her everything. She gave me a room at a very generous discount, as long as I worked and paid her she was happy". I see a few tears running out of Reginas eyes. "Regina I'm sorry. We were supposed to be telling happier stories. I'm so sorry babe. Please don't cry".  "I'm sorry Emma. I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through in your life".  "Ya it sucked but I'm alive Regina. I survived". She leans in to kiss me and says "Yes you did Emma, and I'm so happy about that". I smile and my heart aches in a good way. Ruby comes out and starts to clear the table. "Hey Ruby where's Ashley? She was waiting on us". She laughs at me. "Emma. Ashley left an hour ago".  "Why did she leave?"   "Her shift ended". I look at my watch. "Holy crap, it's 3:30. Really?"  We've been sitting here for 5 hours. "Wow. Ruby, please tell Ashley I'm sorry. I'll take the tab. Did she leave it with you?"   "Yup. Here ya go". I take out some some money and put an extra 20 in for the tip. "Ruby can you please make sure Ashley gets the tip. You know what,  I'm feeling a little hungry. Regina wanna have lunch?"  We both laugh, and she nods. "Ruby can we have a lunch menu please?"  Ruby laughs and says. "Sure Ems. I'll be right back".

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