Chapter 5

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"Fuck Regina. Are you always like that in bed?"  I pant out. We went at it for a good few hours before we had to take a break. She laughs and says. "What's wrong Swan, can't keep up?"   "Like hell I can't" I roll over back on to her and kiss her. "I think you need a break though. We should rest a while first".   "Hahaha. I was hoping you'd say it first". I lean in and give her a tender kiss and roll off her again. "I'm sorry Gina I do need a few minutes".  "So do I my love".  "Hmm. I like when you say that".   "Good.  Get used to it. Unless you want to leave like you did earlier". I turn on my side.  "No Regina. I never want to leave you".  We kiss tenderly and she says. "Good because I always want you with me".  "What about your mother?  Not only does she already not like me. Just wait till she finds out I have a dick, and I've been in jail. That should be a fun family dinner".  "Baby, I don't care what she thinks. I do already have feelings for you. I don't care what she says".  "Regina please don't be offended by this, but if she stopped you from becoming a teacher what makes you think she won't try to push me out?"   "You are right Emma, and I'm sorry. My mother has ruled over me for way to long, and I'm so done with that. I'm 28 years old. I can make my own decisions in my life. She wants me to marry a man that can take care of me, but all I want is Emma to love me".  I excitedly say, "I'm Emma". She laughs out loud. "Yes you are my love, and I want you, as long as you want me to".  "Yes Gina there is nothing I want more than to be with you". We laid there in her bed for a while just holding each other. The room is so quiet, when all of a sudden my stomach makes this weird loud noise. We look at each other and laugh. "Emma. What the heck was that?"   "Well babe, I'm hungry and that's my stomachs alarm clock". We both laugh. "Oh. It's 2 in the morning". She says looking at the clock. "Let's go to the kitchen and see what we have". We put some clothes on and go downstairs. I sit at the island while Regina looks through the refrigerator. "I've got some leftover lasagna".  "Oh. I love lasagna".  "Ok 2 pieces of reheated lasagna coming up". "So you have a Fourth of July party tonight, that sounds like a blast".  She sighed. "Oh. It's the worst party and they have it every year. A bunch of stuffy old people getting drunk and talking about the most boring things ever. My mother makes me go every year".   "Yup, sounds terrible to me".  "Emma I don't suppose you'd be willing to join me tonight would you?"   "Oh Gina. I don't thinks that's a good idea. I think you mother would freak out if I went with you".  "Emma are we planning on seeing each other more? We've already admitted to having feelings for one another, so if that's true then we are going to have to be seen out with each other every now and then".   "Yes Regina, but your mother".  "My mother needs to learn, starting now that I am off limits to everyone who isn't you". I smile. "I like that. Ok I'll go if you want me to". She kisses me. "Yes I do". We finished the lasagna and we decided to go back upstairs. Laying in bed holding each other Regina asks. "Emma it's now Monday morning, do you have to work today?"   "No. Actually I had to take a vacation. I have to many weeks added up so they said I had to take one this week".  "That's wonderful dear. I'm also on vacation this week".  "Really. We should do something then".  "And what do you suggest dear?"  "I don't know Gina. Wanna go camping".  She lets out a big laugh. "Emma I'm sorry for laughing. I know we are just starting our relationship but there is no way I am sleeping in a tent on the ground".  It's my turn to laugh now. "I wasn't thinking a tent. We could always rent a cabin for a few days, but it is a holiday week so everything is probably already taken. We could always stay right here". "Emma that's the best idea you've had yet".  She kisses me and we look into each other's eyes. "Let's get some sleep my love". I nod and we kiss again. She puts her head down and we both fall asleep.

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