Chapter 16

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We get back to Reginas and we start folding the rest of the laundry that wasn't done drying before we left. We've got the tv on so at least we aren't in silence. I see Regina looking at me but I don't look at her. I'm afraid of what I'll see in her eyes. "Are you sure your ok my love?"  "I'm fine babe".  "Emma I know your not. Sweetheart please believe me, I did not marry you to piss off my mother. Zelena doesn't know us, and she may be my sister but she doesn't know me. I would never marry someone I did not love. Look deep into my eyes Emma, do you see anything different in them but the love they've always had for you?"  I look in her eyes and shake my head as a few tears fall. "Regina I'm sorry. I don't want to believe in what Zelena said, but you have to understand I was never wanted, ever. I was never loved before so when I met you and I fell so hard for you and you seemed to do the same. I couldn't believe it when you asked me to marry you. I cant say it was a dream come true because I never let myself dream about something like this, but it's feels so good. I don't have to hide with you. In just 2 weeks you know everything about me. I want this to be real Regina, it would break me so bad if it's not".   "This is real Emma. I promise you it is. I love you and I'll do anything you need to help you believe that. What do you need me to do my love?"   "Just keep loving me. Please. Just love me".  "I will Emma. I promise you". She holds me tight as she lets me cry on her shoulder. When I calm down we go upstairs and put everything away and go to bed early. When I wake up the next morning I'm alone in bed. I look at the time and is 9:30am. I go downstairs to the kitchen and find Gina cooking. "Good morning my love, just in time. Sit down breakfast is ready". I take a seat at the island and she puts a plate in front of me. "I hope you like waffles".  "Of course I do. Who doesn't like waffles?"  She gives me a kiss. "Good I'm glad". Then she hands me the maple syrup. She puts a bowl of mixed fruit and a plate of bacon in front of us to share. When she sits down, I wipe my mouth with a napkin, then I lean over and kiss her cheek. "Thank you babe. Your the best wife ever". She chuckles and says. "Thank you my dear". We eat in silence for a few minutes and then she asks. "Do you have plans for today darling?"  "Not really, Why whats up?"   "Nothing dear, I just wanted to go into the office today and finalize a few things, clean out my office and say goodbye to a few people".  "Ok babe. I'll. Probably just go down to my place and pack a few things this afternoon".  "When do you have to go back to work?"  "Tomorrow morning". I say with a frown on my face. "Oh my love you'll be fine".  "I know. It's just been so nice these last 2 weeks, now it's back to work. Blah".  She laughs and then we both start cleaning up the breakfast dishes. "Wanna go watch some tv babe?"   "Actually my dear, I'm going to go take a shower and get to the office. Oh and before I forget here is my extra set of keys so you can get back in when you go to pack". She hands them to me with a smile and a kiss then she goes upstairs to get ready.

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