Chapter 23

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The last 2 months of Regina's pregnancy were a little difficult for her. She had a lot of back pain and was in bed for the last 3 weeks. We had a few false alarms that sent us to the hospital, only to be sent home hours later, but it was all worth it because today Regina and I took home our baby and now Regina and I are sitting against the headboard of our bed, I have my arm wrapped around her. I kiss her cheek as I look down at our son. "He's so perfect Emma. I love him so much already". I smile. "Me too sweetheart. He's got your hair". She laughs quietly. "Yes, but he has your dimples my love. Are you sure your ok with naming him after my father?"  I kiss her lips and nod. "Yes baby. You've told me how much your dad meant to you, and what a great man he was. I think naming our son after him is the best idea". She nods, then we just smile at our son as he sleeps. After a few minutes I see Regina yawn. "Babe, how about I take him and put him in his crib?"   "No Emma. I want him with us".   "I know sweetheart but we need to get some sleep. What if I go downstairs and get his bassinet and put it right next to our bed? That way he can sleep in here right next to us".  "Yes Emma please". I give her a kiss and I gently kiss our sons head. "Ok babe. I'll be right back". I go downstairs and double check all the doors and windows again, just to make sure, then I grab the bassinet and take it upstairs and set it on Gina's side of the bed. I take our son Henry from her and gently lay him down and cover him with a little blanket. Regina stands by my side, as I say to our son. "Good night kid, me and mommy love you so much". Regina leans over and kisses his forehead. "Goodnight my little prince". I go shut off the lights and we get in bed. I hold her in my arms and say. "I love you Gina".  "And I love you Emma". Then we both drift off to sleep for about 2 hours, till Henry wanted to be fed again. I told Regina that I'd get him. This kid has got some lungs on him, oh man. As soon as he wakes up it is full on scream until he latched on to Reginas breast. Ha, he is just like me.  I hand Henry to Regina and she hears me chuckle. "What's so funny my love?"   "I was just thinking, our son is only a few days old and already just like me. When he woke up he was crying till he got your breast, just like me". Regina tries not to laugh to hard so she won't scare Henry. "Oh Emma baby, I do love you so much". She says with a little laugh. Once Henry was fed and changed he actually stayed awake for a little bit. "I know it's still early Emma, but I think he's going to have your eyes".  "Ya. You really think so?"  "Yes I do my love. He may have my hair color but I think he's going to be all you". The next afternoon Belle and Ruby came by for a visit. As Belle was holding Henry, her and Ruby kept whispering about something so I say. "Ok. What's up with you two today, your all secretive about something?"  Belle nods and Ruby starts to speak. "Well we weren't sure if we should say anything or not, but we just found out that Belle is pregnant". Regina and I looked at each other, and I say. "Wow. Congratulations you guys. I didn't know you were trying". Ruby answers "We started doing In-Vitro Fertilization a few months ago, and it seems this time it finally worked". "That is so wonderful. We are very happy for you both". Says Regina. "I know we've got a long way to go, but I really can't wait to be holding my own baby soon". Belle says as she smiles at Ruby. The moment was interrupted by the ringing of Reginas cell phone. "Excuse me, it's my sister". She says as she answers the call. "Hello Zelena".  "Hello dear sister, I am just having lunch with mother and we were wondering if it would be ok to stop by for a bit to see the baby?"   "You mean both of you?"   "Yes. Mother and I".  "Hold on a second ok?"  She walks over to me, "Zelena wants to know if it's ok if her and mother can come visit us".  "What do you think babe? It's up to you".  "I don't know Emma, she has been good the last few months. I guess it would be ok". I nod and she goes back to the call. "That's fine Zelena. You and mother may stop by".  "Great. We will see you soon".  Belle hands Henry over to me and says. "Well I think it's time we head out Ruby".   "No. It's ok. You guys don't have to leave". Regina says. "We know, but you should have some family time". I say "You guys are family". They give us hugs. "We know that and thank you. We'll be back soon. We promise". Belle says as they both leave.

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