Chapter 21

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At 9am the next morning, Zelena, Kathryn, Regina and myself walked into Cora's office. She seemed very surprised to see all of us. "What is going on here?"  Kathryn speaks first. "I do believe that we had a meeting this morning".  "Yes, and it's supposed to be between Regina and I. What is everyone else doing here?"    "Well mother. They came for moral support. Zelena is my sister and Emma is my wife, they have every right to be here". Cora's lawyer stands and says. "Maybe we should just get down to business". We all sit down at the table. Regina says. "So mother, what do you want?"   "What I have wanted from the beginning Regina, for you to end this silly little marriage that you have gotten yourself into". That is when Cora's lawyer pulled out some papers and pushes them towards Regina. "What is this?"  "Those Regina are annulment papers. All you and this Emma person have to do is sign them". Then her lawyer pulls out a small piece of paper and slides it over to me. It's another check. "This is a check for Emma, let's call it compensation". I say. "Are you seriously out of your fucking mind?"  Regina puts her hand on mine to stop me from saying more. "Ok mother, say we do sign these, what happens after that". "After that you come back to work here, and Daniel is a phone call away".   "Ok mother, and I suppose Daniel would be willing to raise a child that wasn't his".  "What is that supposed to mean Regina?"  "Well mother. Emma and I found out yesterday that I am pregnant". Regina looks at me, and I say "Go ahead and tell her".  "You see mother, not only is Emma very special to me, she was also born in a special way. She was born with a male reproductive system, and she is the one that got me pregnant".   "Oh my god Regina. This just get worse by the minute. You are such a stupid girl. Hopefully it's early enough in the pregnancy that it can be taken care of". Regina stands up quickly. "How dare you mother. I am not giving up my baby or my marriage". I stand next to her. "Sweetheart. Please calm down. The stress isn't good for you or the baby remember? Please sit". She nods and we both sit. Kathryn decides to step in. "Ok. Let's move on. It has come to my attention that I was missing a few of pages from the will of Henry Mills and I came across them last night". She pulls out copies for Cora and her lawyer. "As you can see, Regina was supposed to be given all of her fathers shares in this company, which makes her the majority shareholder. You Cora, you only have 25 shares, which means absolutely nothing. You can't force Regina to do anything. So unless Regina and Emma want to sign these. You as they say are shit out of luck". The look on her face was priceless. I should have taken a picture. Regina and I look at each other and she picks up the annulment papers and rips them in half and I pick up the check. "50 thousand dollars this time, it's that what running your daughters life is worth?"  "How much will it take then?"  I start ripping up the check into little pieces. "My death. That's the only way I'll ever leave her". I look at Kathryn. "Are we done here ? The stress is not good for my wife and baby".  "Yes I believe we are. I'll call you two later. There are a few company matters we need to deal with now that we know Regina does in fact run this company". We nod at her and smile at Zelena and we leave. As we are in the elevator Regina holds me tight. "I hope this is over Emma. I just want us to go back to what we've had the last 3 months". I kiss her head. "Me too babe. We are going to be ok. It was obvious they had nothing. They thought they could put one over on us but the truth always comes out". She nods her head and we just enjoy the moment till the elevator dings and we walk out. "Emma, I'm so hungry. Let's go to Granny's please".  "Sure babe. Anything you want". I kiss her and we get in my Jeep.

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