Chapter 17

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Regina's POV

I really hope I don't run into my mother. I am just not in the mood to fight this morning. That thought went right out the window as soon as I walked into my office and saw her sitting behind my desk and my sister is standing right next to her. "Oh Regina I'm so glad you decided to join us again. I hope you've come to your senses and are coming back to work here. This is what's best for you, dear".  "Hello mother and no I am not coming back to work here. My days as corporate lawyer are over. I'm living my life the way I want from now on".  "And I suppose that would include that blonde".  "Yes it does mother, and as a matter of fact she is moving her things into our apartment as we speak".  Zelena chimes in "Ok here we go".  ""Back off Zelena".  "Regina you cant be serious right now. You don't even know her. She's just going to break your heart. She's using you for our money. See this is why you need me to point you in the right direction. You always have. At least your sister was smart enough to listen to me".  "Mother please just stop, your starting to give me a headache". I sit on the couch in my office and cover my face with my hands. "Regina, please don't tell me that is what I think it is on your finger". Damn it.  "Yes mother it is exactly what you think it is. Emma and I got married last week".  She stands and quickly walks to me. "Have you completely lost your mind Regina?  This girl can give you nothing. She is nothing".  I stand up and glare at her. "Don't you dare talk that way about her. She loves me and I love her, we are married and there is nothing you can do about it".  "You stupid girl. You are ruining your life with this nobody. If you had just gone out with Daniel like I asked you, you wouldn't have gotten yourself into this mess". "That's enough mother. I'm done listening to you. Emma may not be up to your standers, but as far as I'm concerned she is perfect. Shes caring and honest. She likes to help people even though no one ever helped her. I can't deal with this anymore. Goodbye mother. Just have someone pack my things and send them to me". I leave my office and go down to the first floor where Human Resources is. I sign my resignation and have them change my last name in the computer to Swan-Mills, then I go home to my wife. 
I walk in the door and I see Emma's suitcases by the front door. I lift each one and there is something in them all. Emma comes downstairs caring a box and sets in on the floor near the suitcases. It may be just me, but she doesn't seem like her normal bubbly self when she sees me. "Hey".   "Hello Emma. What is all this?"   "It's my clothes". She says a little out of breath. I nod, and tears start rolling down my cheeks. "Gina baby. What's wrong, did something happen?"  Emma comes and wraps her arms around me and I just cry. "Why are you leaving me, did something happen while I was gone?  I do love you Emma I swear I do. Please don't leave me".   "Gina, I'm not leaving".   "Your not?"    "No baby. Why would I leave?"  I just shrug. "Gina I love you. If you want me to believe you love me, you need to believe I love you". I nod. "Emma. Why are your clothes here in your suitcases?"   "I packed them from my apartment and that box is filled with our old clothes we don't wear anymore and that we are donating to charity".  I breathe out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion, I just ran into my mother at the office and of course she started in on me, so when I saw the bags here, I thought maybe she got to you somehow".    "I'm not going anywhere babe". Emma kisses me and holds me tight. "Thank you sweetheart".  She looks at me and nods. "I'm just gonna run these suitcases upstairs. I'll be right back". "I'll help you". I grab one and we both walk upstairs and start putting her clothes away. "So you had a tough time with your mother?"   "I always have a tough time with her. She's just upset that I'm not doing things her way. It's my life and it's time I start living it, and I'm living it with you".  After we put the clothes away we had dinner and just relaxed for the rest of the night.

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