A Little Bit of Time (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fan fiction)

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Chapter One


Twenty-two, single, and not much of a social life. I am Amber, Amber Marshall. I am bored with life in general. But my story starts in a grocery store with me observing the people around me. Stressed workers, an old woman trying to reach a box of pasta, a little kid yelling about how he

wanted candy.

I was searching for some heat-up dinners. I was examining the boxes when I happened to glance down the aisle at a strange man. He wasn't so much strange it was more he looked completely clueless. He was wearing a tailcoat and a collar and a tie. What? Was he going to a ball after swinging over to Kroger? He was tall with jet-black hair.

"Um, hello? Sir do you need any help?" He looked up distressed. "Yes lady. What year is it? Where am I? And who is this lovely being standing before me?" He was rather charming. He also had these deep crimson eyes that made me feel like I was melting. "Lady, I am not joking. I don't know this place or the year." Was he crazy? Like one of those people that were slowly losing it? I must have looked at him funny because he said, "I am no insane or anything. It may be rude of me to explain all of this right here standing in public."

I don't like talking to one person for to long, I don't like to get attached to anyone at all. "S-sure, would you like to come over to my p-place?" I stammered. He grinned a little and said, "No need to get all flushed. Shall we go?" Then I could really feel my face get red. He then offered his arm to me, I took it, then he leaned down and purred in my ear, "You are rather pretty." He grinned again and we walked out to the parking lot.

Once we were at my car he just stopped and got the same distressed nervous look again. "What's wrong now?" I asked. He stumbled over his words answering me, "What.... is that... a carriage?" He cleared his throat, "What is that object?" I sighed, "It's a car." He still looked confused. "Come on, get in." I opened the door and he climbed in, I buckled him in like a little kid. I then got buckled in myself.

He looked sick as I pulled out of the parking lot. "Well, this is enough modern stuff for you today." He looked at me and nodded a little. "Hey what's your name?" I asked. "Sebastian Michaelis." He answered. "Well it's very nice to meet you, I am Amber Marshall. And we are going to be there in a bit." "Thank you." Even though he looked ill, he watched me closely as I drove as if learning.

It only took about twenty minutes to get to my apartment. Sebastian kept seeing things that were not within his realm of knowledge and he wouldn't shut up. We eventually got back to the building and I had him sit on the couch. "Stay right there." I went into the kitchen to grab some beer. I didn't know if he would drink it though. I came back into the living room and handed him a bottle. "Where have you been? Like you can't remember anything.Or don't know anything." I could see on his face he was wondering if he should say anything. "Amber I will tell you the truth. I have been in the Underworld for the past years, quite a few years. I am afraid to say I am not caught up with modern day technology."

"Wait.... Underworld?" He sighed and said, "You seem like a trustworthy person. I am not human you see. I am a demon." I dropped my beer, the bottle shattered. "But d-demons aren't r-real. Right?" He smirked, "They are real, and I am one of them." He seemed rather pleased with himself. I just invited a demon into my home! "But I really am just bored. I'm not interested in hurting you." He said. The beer was pooling around my feet, it smelled. He stood up and traced my jaw line with his index finger, he leaned down and breathed into my ear, "I have found someone new to play with." That sent shivers down my spine. I came to my senses and stumbled backwards. With my luck I stepped on a piece of earlier broken bottle. "Shit!" I yelled. But just stood there and squeezed my eyes shut.

He started walking towards me. "No, No don't! I'm fine!" He didn't stop. He stopped directly in front of me and he swept me off my feet, bridal style. He laid me down on the couch and sat at the end, looking at my foot. Then he said, "Will you let me help you?" It did really sting and I really didn't want an infection. "Yes! Please! It hurts!" He then held me down and pulled out the glass. I tried not to scream.

"Amber? Amber? Can you hear me?" I woke up to find a concerned someone staring at me. "Okay, you really gave me a scare there!" I forgot! He was a demon, and humans were raised believing they were evil beings. "Get out!" I meant to say it calmly, but I ended up yelling. "But you're foot needs attention." I looked down at it, he had wrapped it up. "Why would a demon take care of a human?" He looked almost hurt, then replied, "Demons are like humans in this sense: there are good ones and bad ones. Trustworthy and untrustworthy. We have hearts as well."

I had never thought of it that way before. "Well, which are you?" He pursed his lips then said, "I believe myself to be good and honest. I have been betrayed and I don't want anyone to suffer as I once did." He was kind of interesting. "But you eat human souls, how can you be 'good'?" He said, "I am simply higher on the food chain is all. I didn't ask for this fate, it was well..... fate."

****Hello everyone! I don't know how much of this works! But I will figure it out. In this story I wanted to get to the softer side of the Black Butler characters. And if you enjoyed please say so! Thank you!****

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