Chapter Ten

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     Then Grell shouted, "Bassy! Why?" Sebastian rolled his eyes and said, "You really are obnoxious. She has invited me to stay with her, so I stayed." Grell didn't look to pleased with that answer. I faintly heard Sebastian mutter, oh my god, to himself. Then he said, "I stayed because I love her!" Grell suddenly and dramatically dropped onto his knees. Goodness. 

     I caught he was gay. But so gay his body could hardly handle it. Sebastian rubbed his temples and said, "Please leave." "Bu - " "Eh!" "But!" "Out!" This was rather entertaining. Once Grell stood up and looked over to me again, and asked, "What's your name darling?" I started stumbling over my words again, "I am, I'm, Amber." He sighed and said, "You got a good one Amber." I laughed nervously. Honestly I had been holding down an outburst of laughter, because I had been watching them. 

     "Grell this is where you take your leave." Grell looked at Sebastian and batted his eyelashes. "So harsh! Cruel as ever!" Sebastian started to tap his foot impatiently. "Fine, I'm off!" Once the door was closed we heard him shout, "Bye-bye my love!" I saw Sebastian shiver. 

     He put a hand to his head, looked up and said, "I don't like him very much." Then it all came out at once. "Hahahahahahahaahhaaha!" I was laughing so hard my sides hurt. I tried to calm down but every time I looked back at Sebastian it started all over again. 

     Once I caught my breath and sat down I noticed that Sebastian was grinning from ear to ear. "What are you smiling at?" He shook his head and said, "You." I blushed. "I find it amazing you didn't run to me like a coward when a god of death showed up on our doorstep." That made me feel good. "Well he didn't seem all that threatening." I said. "You are correct. We might have had a problem if Grell's partner had been alongside him. William T. Spears. That is another Reaper I do not get along with." I chuckled, "You don't seem to enjoy the Reapers." Sebastian said, "Grim Reapers and demons don't along because of the whole soul situation." That made sense. 

     He walked over to the couch and sat with me. "So, what would you like to do now?" Sebastian asked. "I think that was enough adventure for today." I climbed into Sebastian's lap and snuggled up to him. Inhaled him. He laid his head on top of mine and said just what I had been thinking for a long time. "I would like to stay like this forever." "Me too." We just sat there in silent bliss. Grell was right, I did luck out. 

     Thankfully Sebastian kept his hands to himself. He wasn't terribly touchy-touchy, unless I was. But it made me jealous to know that he has had sex with lots of women. But he had been alive for a very long time. We had slept together plenty of times, almost very night. But we hadn't even made it to second base! I always worried he didn't touch me because maybe I was ugly. But he always told me how pretty I was. And he couldn't lie, I knew that much. 

**** The next one should be longer, but a word of waring it is smut. But I am sure most of you knew that when you clicked on the story. Sorry the chapter have been short, it just kinda happened like that! **** 

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