Chapter Fourteen

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     Once Sebastian wiped away Ciel's tears, Ciel said, "I want to take a nap." "Very good my Lord." Ciel laid down and Sebastian fetched a blanket to tuck him in with. I just stood there like an idiot the entire time. Sebastian turned to me. 

     His eyes were cold. "I thought you were smart enough not to spew things like that. Maybe next time you should think before you speak. Just because you had a tough life doesn't give you the right to do whatever you please whenever you please." I was stunned, sorry, and very hurt. I had made a huge mistake. God, things like this always happened. 

     But soon Sebastian would regret very sour word he ever spoke to me. As would I to him.

     "I-I...." He cut me off. "Don't speak to me." He stormed into the bedroom and quietly shut the door, so as to make sure not to wake Ciel. I would have rather had him shout at me instead of speak to me in that  heartless tone. Thoughts of self-loathing swirled through my head. I should have seen this coming! My life can't be peaceful that's not how it works! Not even demons like me! Demons! I make them cry. 

     I ran to the bathroom and sobbed all by myself. Like I always had. I was shaking. I couldn't stop. I could feel things falling apart again. This always happened. My mind was screaming. Then faintly I heard a knock at the door. It slowly brought me back to the present. 

     "C-come in." I said meekly. I thought Sebastian was going to walk through the door. I was wrong. It was Ciel. I turned away ashamed. But he still stood there, frank, strong. Not at all the frightened little kid I saw earlier. He whole aura had changed. He spoke, "Fight it." "W-what?" He said it again, "Fight it. Fight back those tears that you show unwillingly. Hold them back." I turned to him and said, "I'm trying but they won't seem to stop." 

     Ciel walked over to me and crouched down in front of me. He removed his eye-patch. There I say the seal that bond Sebastian and him together. "See this? He put it there. It has helped me fight back many tears." I gazed at this strong boy, wishing, only wishing to be more like him . To be stronger. "See they stopped." "Huh?" Ciel grinned. "Your tears, they stopped flowing." He touched my cheek. He too was warm like Sebastian. But in a different way, that still to this day I cannot explain. 

     "Amber. You are tender to the touch, but I can see that skin of steel." My eyes widened. Was he saying he believed in me? I buried my face in my hands and said, "I am so so sorry." He sighed and said, "Unfortunately what Sebastian said about me is indeed true. He puts up with it quite well though. I still don't understand why that pushed me over the edge." "You are lonely." I felt him stiffen. "Yes, I guess you are correct. I am lonely. I have been that way for quite some time." 

     He then did something rather unexpected. He embraced me. His small arms wrapped about me. His head atop my own. We sat there just breathing for a few moments. Ciel then said, "You too are lonely, and I understand with a whole heart." I hugged him back. My tears replaced with the fullness of another understanding my pain. Who know a demon could do this? Don't judge a book by it's cover.... or it's author. Just let it be. 

     Ciel stood and held out his hand to me. "Well, we should probably get Sebastian to stop pouting." He helped me stand. I then washed off my face and Ciel put his eye-patch back on. "I don't know if I should talk to him right now, he is pretty pissed at me." Ciel rolled his eyes and said, "I am still his master. He still has to answer to me." I sighed. 

     We walked up to the bedroom door and looked at each other. Ciel took a deep breath and knocked firmly on the door. "Sebastian it's Ciel. We all need to talk.... properly." The both of us waited and waited and waited. Ciel started tapping his foot. "Sebastian! Open up!" Ciel then opened the door. 

     Sebastian wasn't there. The window was open and I didn't see Sebastian. Ciel put his hands on his hips and said, "Really? He gets so emotional." Ciel really was sassy. 


     **** Where is Sebastain? It isn't what you think! ****

A Little Bit of Time (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora