Chapter Eighteen

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     I tried six different tests.They all came back positive. Sebastian wasn't talking very much. I looked over at his gloomy face. "We can do this. We can raise a cute little family. You are going to be a good dad." He looked over at me and said, "In all my years this has never happened." 

     That was really surprising news. "S-so you haven't ever been a father?" He shook his head. How were we going to do this? 


     I had horrible morning sickness. But Sebastian actually seemed quietly to be starting a family of own. Oh, the compassion a demon. I didn't know how I going to explain that to the kid. Was the child going to be half demon, half human? I didn't really care. 

     About two weeks after the news I had heavy bleeding. Really heavy bleeding. I didn't know why. My gut feeling had been bad. I pushed it away and didn't tell Sebastian anything. 


     On a beautiful clear night Sebastian said, "I want to go somewhere." I looked at him curiously. "Where to?" He grinned. "You'll see." He drove up to a park on a hill that I didn't even know existed. He held my hand and we walked up that hill to a bench that overlooked the city. 

     You could see the stars as well as the lights of the city below. The both of us sat in peaceful silence, taking each other in. I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head atop mine. "I love you." He spoke those words like they were a forbidden fruit. Only to be enjoyed by one other. Me. "I love you too." 

     "Amber look down there at the city, at all of those shops and cars and parking lots. There were once trees there. Then humans laid cement over the land. It is no longer fertile. And one day when everyone has forgotten this place it will turn to rust. And there will no longer be a place for the trees to grow." I wanted us to be forever together. I wanted us to live happily ever after. But this is not a fairy tale. It's love, and life. And what happens in life may not be the most beautiful. But life is beautiful. 

     The bleeding got increasingly worse. To the point were I was having trouble hiding it. I was sitting on the toilet trying not to panic about it.... when I felt something come out. It wasn't right. I looked. Then I looked away with tears in my eyes. I yelled, "My love!" I cried. I wept. 

     Sebastian rushed into the bathroom. There was blood everywhere. It stained everything including my heart. For the lose of a child is to great to bear. "Sebastian, I-I am so so sorry. I - is it truly?" He saw I felt the pain rush through me again. He frantically embraced me. Blood and all. "Shhh." He cooed softly. "I-I couldn't even bring to you a child! I - " Sebastian said, "It's okay. It's okay. I still love you all the same." I hugged him tighter. 

     I begin to feel light headed and woozy. "Amber you are pale - " He looked around at all of the blood. He scooped me up and laid me on our bed. Our bed. The bed we shared. Together. I black out. 

**** I know I know. Don't be to angry with me. I hope you guys love them. Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you guys! *****

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