Chapter Two

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     I hadn't expected an answer like that, "Oh.... well I am sorry for the way I have treated you. I am ignorant of these sorts of things." He smiled softly. "It's quite alright." He was sweet, well even if he was a demon. But clueless about this new world. "Would you like to stay here with me?" I asked. His whole face lit up and he said, "Yes! I would be honored!" "Can you deal with sleeping on a pull couch?" He chuckled. "I don't sleep, or eat really. But I am a decent cook, and I can clean." That sounded great. "Only if you want to." He looked around at my paints and sketches on the walls. "This is like home already!" I laughed. "Um, don't you think I should go to a doctor about my foot?" He said, "That would be a smart choice."

      He helped me up, it hurt like hell to walk. He looked at me worriedly, "Would you like me to carry you?" I felt myself flush a bit. "S-sure." He bent down and I clambered onto his back. On the way down the stairs towards my car he said, "I just wanted to thank you for being kind to me." "Sebastian I wasn't kind at all" But he said stubbornly, "No. You were kind, people have lashed out at me a lot worse than that." I was slowly understanding what he had said about all demons being different. 

     Thankfully my wound was on my left foot, so I could still drive. The doctor told me that everything would be fine, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I got some strong painkillers and was sent on my way. Sebastian still insisted on helping me. I gave in, I couldn't help myself. I was growing to like him. And it only took a few hours for me to begin liking him. That never happened, I didn't like people and people didn't like me that was the way of things. 

     I must have passed out again because I woke up in my home. Wait.... who drove me here? "Are you awake?" It was my new roommate Sebastian. "Did you drive?" I asked. It was the only possibility. "Yes I did." No way. "Hang on, is that why you were watching everything so closely?" He smirked, "Yes." "Good! That means I don't have to teach you anything. You just have to watch!" This was good news to me. He was standing across the room from me and started towards me. He crouched down next to me and tucked a loose strand of my dark hair behind my ear. He didn't seem dangerous in that moment of time. 

     He seemed lonely and sad, in need of another. Maybe, just maybe I can be that person for him. He glanced away then said, "We shouldn't get attached to each other. Every time it happens I get ripped away. Please. Even though we have just met, you haven't flinched at my touch." My vision started blurring with tears. "I will try not to do that to you. You were right when you said you were good and honest. We should get attached to each other. You deserve a little piece of happiness."

      He then tightly shut his eyes. "No...." I stopped him, "Yes, you will be fine Sebastian." I sat up and got down on the floor with him. I cupped his face in my hands then drew him into a hug. At first he was tense and didn't hug me back. He slowly relaxed and embraced me tightly. I felt tears slip down my cheeks. We pulled out of the hug. He was warmer than I had expected. I thought demons were cold evils things never to be toiled with.  He looked into my eyes then kissed my forehead gently. I was at a loss for words. I whispered, "See, you do deserve happiness." 

     Weeks passed and he learned everything he saw. I learned a butt load of history from him. But i was really interested in his master, Ciel Phantomhive. But when I brought it up he would always doge my questions. So I didn't push it every much.

     "Damn! Sebastian! You are going to get us killed! This is a gas oven you have to turn it off all the way!" He rubbed his temples. "There is no need to shout." I didn't like scolding him, but sometimes it was the only way to get something across. I always felt bad after yelling at him. "Some of the things you have done I have done in the past as well. I have left the stove on. It can kill humans." He hing his head. "Oh." He doesn't get what is dangerous to humans and not to him. I walked up to him and squeezed his shoulders. "I am sorry. I won't make that mistake again." Now I felt bad. "Hey, come on. You are fine." He lifted his head and I could tell the smile he showed me wasn't real. 

     He walked out of the kitchen to my bedroom. All I could think was that he was majorly pissed at me. I followed him, he sat at he edge of the bed and sighed. "Amber, I just wanted to tell you. I have killed many many people. I hope you know and understand that. " I want him to know that I know that he is a demon, I can accept that fact. I was about to speak when he cut me off. "You are the first one that I care about what you think of me. But I will never lie to you." I softly smiled and said, "Cross your heart?" "I cross my heart." Then he did. I felt cared about right then. No one had ever made a promise to me. 

     "Amber, I refuse to hurt you. No matter what, I lo...." He just stopped. Was he going to say something important? Spit it out! He looked up and straight into my eyes with his beautiful face. This was the first time I really noticed how attractive he really was. He fisted up his hands looking down sharply in what appeared to be frustration. "What is it?" I asked. He opened his mouth about to say something then closed it again. I walked over to him and crouched down, then said, "I don't care what you have done. You are you. And I like that. If I didn't you wouldn't be here in my home. I don't give myself to others but I have with you. You have allowed me to be me I don't have to fake things for you, I-I trust you." 

       He looked up and stood up, then held out a hand to me. I took it, he helped me stand. He cupped my face, leaned down, and kissed me on the lips. I was stunned. I threw my arms around his neck. He was so warm and gentle. He felt like no one I had ever met. Then again I had never met anyone like him. He pulled from the loving kiss, leaving me tingling. Then he leaned his forehead against mine and said, "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." Then he said, "I will keep you safe and close to my heart. Though most retort that I do not bear a heart." The breath caught in my throat. "That's a lie. You must not believe everything everyone says to you." 

****Hope that you enjoyed! I have already hand written the whole story so I will get it out as I can.****

A Little Bit of Time (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora