Chapter Sixteen

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     "Well I saw a bright flash of color then the butler being dragged off. I think I may know whom that bright flash of color might be." Said Undertaker. Then Undertaker did as Ciel had done, he wrote down a very detailed set of directions. They were directions to a house in the wealthy part of town. Ciel saw this and groaned. I didn't understand why at the time. 

     Once we knocked on the door of the fancy house I begun to understand that groan. A tall stern man with green eyes and combed back black hair. He adjusted his glasses and stared down at us. "What do you want?" Ciel glared at him. "I think you know what I'm here for." The man sighed and replied, "Oh, that." The man suddenly looked up and held out his hand. "My name is William T. Spears. What is your name?" He was kind of scary. To serious looking. "M-my name is A-Amber." He glared at Ciel and said, "I want all of the rats out of my home. Including you."   

     "Can we just move this along?" William gestured for us to enter. The house was beautiful but odd. There was a lot of cold hard marble, then there were also tons of books everywhere. They were gorgeously bond books, lined with gold and silver. It smelled like a library, I loved it. William led us to the living room and it was well.... strange. The rug was red, the couch was red leather, the tables were red, and even a large wall was painted red. There was one black chair that looked well worn and books were astray around it. I heard William say to himself, "So much goddamn red." 

     William looked over to me and Ciel and said, "One minute please." Ciel then said sarcastically, "Please, take your time." William took a deep breath and then yelled, "Grell Sutcliff! We have company! Show some manners!" I didn't mean to say it aloud but, "Oh! That's were I have heard your name before! You are Grell's partner!" William adjusted his glasses and I could have sworn he blushed. "We are WORK partners." "That just happen to live together." Scoffed Ciel. 

     There was a running in the wall and a ragged looked Sebastian emerged.  The look on his face was a mix of disgust and terror. His shirt was hanging off is shoulders and he was running frantically away from something. I thought that if he was running, the rest of us should be too. 

     Sebastian suddenly stopped in front of us only to have Grell slam into the both of them, causing them to fall. Which led to Sebastian fighting to keep the ginger off of him. Grell was laughing and enjoying himself. Sebastian got the upper hand and pinned Grell down and sat on his chest. "Bassy! Are you the bondage kind!? So rough! But do get off you are heavy, probably because you have a huge - " Sebastian put his hand over Grell's mouth. Thankfully. His gaze went up to William.

     "Why in the heavens would you allow this to happen!? And continue!?" William crossed his arms and said, "Grell is a grown man that has his own free will. I can't do anything about that." "Oh William, I know how you detest demons. But this is ridiculous. Don't you want me to leave!?" William only stuck his nose in the air and said, "You got what you deserved." Sebastian rolled his eyes in a exaggerated fashion. "Can I just LEAVE!?" William looked around as if nothing was even happening. 

     Meanwhile Ciel and I were at a loss for words. And I'm sure Sebastian had a few four-lettered words going through his head at that moment. He was indeed royally pissed. "Ouch! Dammit Grell!" Grell snickered, "I only bit your hand! I can bit your - " Sebastian put his other hand over Grell's mouth. Sebastian hand was bleeding. William walked over to the pair of them and pushed Sebastian off of Grell, and held Grell by the ear. He was shirtless with bright red pants on. 

     Sebastian rubbed his own back and can over to us. "One moment." He turned on his heels and then returned with his jacket. Sebastian put them under his arm and took us by the hands and pulled us out of the house. I found words again, "What happened to you?" He dressed himself and told us of how he was kidnapped and taken to a reapers' house. He noted how nothing happened between him and Grell. Grell was just trying to tease him. 

     Ciel held it in until the end of the tale, his laughter. Actually the both of us laughed until our sides sides hurt and we could no longer breath. Sebastian whined about how it wasn't funny, when all the while it was. Sebastian, me, and Ciel all walked to the car giggling and comparing notes of the events with Grell, and for Ciel and I, Undertaker. Sebastian said, "Undertaker loves my dirty jokes. Though they make me feel like a dirty old man." I laughed. "Because you ARE a dirty old man!" Ciel snickered. Sebastian just smiled and smiled. Those two were the best. 

**** Sorry about the short chapters! And it has been taking me forever to update. I did imply a little bit of Grell X William. Yes, yes I did. Because I ship them. Thank you for reading! Vote and comment! ****

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