Chapter Seven

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     Sebastian carried me back to the apartment and put me on the couch. At that point I could no longer cry, I was numb. He pulled me to him and he kissed me on the forehead, it felt like a whisper of warmth. I soon fell asleep in his arms. 

     When I awoke he was still there. He smoothed my hair and sighed. "S-Sebastian?" He said, "I'm here." I chewed on my tongue. Should I let him see my past? He has let me in. My turn. "Can I t-tell you something?" He said, "Of course you can." I took a deep breath and started.

"That man's name was Kenny. I used to love Kenny, but it happened he didn't love me. We were together about three years. At first he was amazing. He would go anywhere I wanted, would talk to me for hours on end, buy me flowers. Then he started to change. I didn't want him to. The whole time I thought it was my fault, that I had caused this change to happen. But at least in that point in time he was my rock. My mother was always high. I can't really call her my mother. The house was a mess, we always had rats. And there were always scary looking men in the house, they were everywhere. She didn't care about me. I was an unwanted child. She had been raped and conceived me. She always told me I looked like my horrible father. She would yell at me. Beat me. I would have to hide the bruises and bash marks. 

But Kenny had been there. He always told me not to worry, that time would fix it and time would heal me. Who was he to say that? He came from a rich family with two wonderful parents. But I guess the wonderful in them cancelled out in him. He started becoming more hateful and controlling. Soon he was telling me what friends I could and couldn't see. That caused me to loss any friends I had, and I didn't have many. He would read all of my texts, he would call me forty times a day. 

     Then he started getting scary. He would throw me against walls and scream about how worthless I was. I couldn't just 'break up' with him, he wouldn't let me. There was one time he almost killed me, he locked us in a room together and beat the life out of me. I know I should never have been born. A week later I overdosed on some pills and that was an attempted suicide. It didn't work, I just got sick and puked for days. 

     But I never cut, I always stayed under the radar. Even though people at school shunned me. The halls were always filled with nasty words about me, mostly rumors and sadly others were true. I took it all. Kenny still tortured me. But I still managed to pass through high school with perfect grades. Yet I had no friends. I slowly and painfully broke it off with Kenny. He still never really let it go though. Soon I got a job, my boss liked me. I saved enough money to get a place of my own, soon I was a well respected and well paid artist. Then I met someone very important. And I think you know the rest of the story." 

     Sebastian leaned down and kissed my cheek. I pulled myself to his chest and got as close as I could to him. I could feel the safety of those strong arms. Then Sebastian said, "I will not let Kenny hurt you again. Ever." 

**** Yeah that was kinda sad, but it makes for a interesting character. I hope I didn't freak anyone out to badly... ****

A Little Bit of Time (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora