Chapter Twelve

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     Sebastian shook me awake the next morning. "Jeez, what is it?" He looked like he was going to be sick. "You alright?" He nodded yes. "I have come to a verdict." I was confused. What was so important that he needed to wake me up a the crack of dawn for? And what verdict had he reached? "Sebastian? What is it?" I asked. He said, "I am going to introduce you to my Young Master.... Ciel Phantomhive." I asked, "Are you really okay with this?" He nodded again. "Very well then." He kissed my forehead. 

     I saw that he was already dressed. I stood up to do the same, staring walking and, "Ouch!" I fell to my knees. Sebastian hurried over to me. "Love, are you in pain from last night?" I bit my lip and nodded. That morning he helped me dress. 

     "I deeply apologize, this is my doing."  I giggled and cupped his face in my hands. "It was both of our 'doings'." He blushed.... him.... and said quietly, "I was terrified that I was going to break you." He snapped out of it. I said, "I can't believe we did that just because I made a stupid comment." He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "I don't touch ugly women." He smirked and left me struggling to find my voice. Sometimes I truly saw his other face. A demon. It was exciting. 

    Sebastian stood and said, "Well about my Young Master.... we are meeting him today." I was shocked. "T-today, why?" I stammered. Sebastian sighed and said, "Let's go sit, and I will tell you his story." That sounded long and painful. But I didn't want to be ignorant once I met him. 

     I followed him into the living room and we sat down. Well.... he sat and I laid my head in his lap. My back hurt so bad! I looked up at him. He cleared his throat. "Where do I begin?" I smiled and he started on about Ciel. "My Young Master to say frankly is a spoiled brat. Though I helped him become what he is today. Ciel Phantomhive. His parents were brutally murdered and his manor was burned down. He was then kidnapped, sold, and used as a demon sacrifice. I was the demon.

     Whilst he was imprisoned he made a contract with me. He sought revenge of the people that cursed him with this life and killed his loved ones. Then even more demons came into the picture to try to steal away my Young Master. At the end of it all.... they permanently took him. I will never be able to regain that sad little boy with the soul I so desired. He is now something I can no longer reach. Today he is a demon. The contract should have ended centuries ago. But this series of unfortunate events, lead to my meeting you. But as I said before he is spoiled. He doesn't like to lose to his opponents. He is short with dull blue eyes. Never the less they are no longer that deep sea blue but they are still a faint blue color. Dull and worn. No longer childish as they once were. But he does have rather decent manners in front of friends. Oh, he can't dance. Just like you Amber." 

     He smiled to himself. I could tell he was no longer speaking to me but to the still silent air around us, only to it. His eyes had grown misty with the past. He still went on. "I witnessed his Aunt, Madam Red get murdered by Grell Sutcliff. Ciel never pulled his weapon. He couldn't kill his own kin. That's why I trust him more now than I did before. We are now of the same kin. Though he can be a brat, that doesn't give me the permission to stop being his butler. Though I am here now doesn't mean I have left him. I will always go back." Did that mean my time with him was limited? Will this small piece of time come to a end? Only to leave me miserable once again? Surely I would never find another love after this man. No, I would hold onto him with all of my might. 

**** Sorry if I have made any errors with the story in this chapter! I hope it was alright. ****

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