Chapter Thirteen

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     Sebastian looked down at me and said, "I think someone is at the door." I had been so consumed in thought that I hadn't heard the rapping at our door. I said, "I think I know who it is. And I think he is growing impatient." I stood to answer it. Sebastian then said, "I forgot to mention he was only thirteen, so he still has the appearance of a thirteen year old boy." I closed my eyes and said, "What a shame." 

     I turned the knob to find a young boy standing before me. He looked as though he had forgotten how to smile happily. "Come on in." I gestured for him to step inside. He did so, heading straight for Sebastian. The boy glared at his butler and following that glare was a swift slap across the face. Sebastian didn't even flinch. I thought he would have looked pained. Though I could feel his resistance to show the boy any emotion. 

     The boy quickly turned and said, "I'm sorry that you had to put up with him." To which I responded, "It's no trouble, in fact we are --- " I stopped myself. Maybe our relationship was a rock that needed to stay unturned in front of this small devil. "Well what is your name young lady?" I said, "My name is Amber Marshall. And what is your?" I thought it was polite to ask even if I already knew the answer. He held out a hand and said, "I am Ciel Phantomhive. I was once the head of the Phantomhive family and the Funtom Co. It's very nice to meet you." 

      I was quite taken aback by him. I saw Sebastian walk up behind him and stand as if he was only a shadow of his master. "Master, would you care for anything? Tea perhaps?" He sounded so different. "Yes. Earl Grey if there is any." Ciel waved him away, Sebastian bowed and took his leave. This was becoming awkward. Of course, Sebastian was busy making tea and I was all alone with this kid! Ciel sat down and I sat down. He folded his hands and asked, "So what is your REAL relationship with my butler?" 

     Oh no. I couldn't lie to him! "Well Ciel, we are in a relationship. A very close on in fact." He furrowed his brow and asked, "So are you the one that has been distracting him for the past year?!" He looked angry. "I-I don't know abou - " He was raising his voice now, "What have you done?! How come you have gotten so attached to him?! What have you been doing, you can't even walk straight!" That pissed me off. "None of that is any of your concern!" 

     I stood up, he had the nerve to come into my home uninvited and treat me this way! "Sebastian was right you are just a disgusting little brat!" Sebastian had been standing behind me. Ciel had turned red, the kind of red a child turns when trying to hold back tears. Ciel said, "I no longer have power anywhere. I'm not even powerful as a demon. I was born to end up alone. Then suddenly I was immortal and Sebastian was forever by my side. I was no longer alone. I-I had a friend. But I guess not." 

     I had made a huge mistake. He had only been here for a few minutes, why did I do this? Us sad souls needed to stick together. Sebastian walked past me towards his Young Master. he crouched down in front of the boy. I heard Sebastian say, "Master it is true I spoke those foul words. I deeply apologize. You were starving me to death." Ciel looked up at his butler. Sebastian said, "I have never in all my years seen you behave this way." Ciel was a child that could never grow up. He was frustrated and confused. 

     "I didn't want my only companion to leave my side. That's all." Ciel said. Sebastian seemed to be at a loss for words. I doubted Ciel EVER acted this way. Ciel looked at his hands then back at Sebastian. He suddenly threw his frail figure around Sebastian. Then Ciel cried. He cried letting out years worth of pain. Sebastian cradled him and let him sob into his coat. "I am still here I am still your friend." 

**** Sorry about the sappy chapter. And yes I did use some quotes from the show. I don't own them or the Kuroshitsuji characters. ****

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