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It was my day off. It's been a while since I last had one.
I was sitting admiring the silence. Watching couples munch on the delicious food of my favourite restaurant. It was a elegant quite place full of rich snobby people.

As much as I hate to admit it, I miss it. I miss the feeling of being loved, true love of course. Not these many one night stands I've been experiencing lately. I miss the spark. Ugh!! What am I saying, I can't fall in love, not now, not ever.
"So, you waiting for someone?" A man interrupted my silent evening, "you've been here a while." He said innocently. I look across my table to look at him.
"You're one to judge, I don't see you with anyone," I replied. He chuckled.
"Well...I came to enjoy a quite evening-"
"Yeah so did I, and it was going pretty well until you decided to bug me!" I cut him off.
"..BUT I got bored. I'm not the quite type," he continued, ignoring my comment. I started 'analysing' him, as one does. Built figure, light beard (not messy, pretty neat), short hair. But he was wearing a suit, like he was expecting someone?
"So whats with the suit?"
"The..su-umm I don't know, why not?" He quickly replied.
"Did she cancel on you?" I fake frown. He just smiled and shook his head.
"No I only recently came back to DC, there isn't anyone right now,"
"Well that's great, imma go back to my quite evening, and so will you. Thanks for the convo," I fake smile and start finishing my Caesar salad.
I had about five minutes of quite until he interrupted again, "so what do you do? If you don't mind me asking."
"Well...look who's back! And I do mind,"
"Ohh come on, what are you? I'm truly curios! A lawyer? You look like a lawyer," I scoffed, "so not a lawyer, okay. A...you're in estate?"
"Lets just say business," I say hoping he'd shut up.
"Well now I think you're a drug-lord or something," he says laughing.
"Maybe," I stare him dead in the eyes.
"Then this is awkward...I'm a 'detective' ," he says making air quotes.
"You might as well join me, my neck is hurting!" He shifts quickly before I change my mind.
"I'm nick," he offers his hand.
"I'm Robyn" I shake his hand smiling.
Everything after that was a blur...

I slowly open my eyes, my whole body's aching. I stretch carefully, only made the pain worse though. I hit something, something warm, I look across the bed and see a man. NOT AGAIN! I look and realise I was at my place, what the fuck?? How drunk was I? I never let anyone in here? Was I drunk? I don't remember drinking that much. I tap the man, "mm..what is it?" He spoke, even though his voice was husky I recognised it.
"WHAT?!?" He jumped, "what happened?" It is him, WHAT DID I DO? I promised myself I was done, no more one night stands.
"I don't know you tell me???"
"You don't remember..?" He realised what was happening, "umm..we just umm.."
"We had a one night stand! Thats what! Crap!!" He was taken back by that, he was offended??
"One night stand...yeah. Imma just leave then, sorry to bother you I guess!" He got up, grabbed his underwear and put it on.

"I have a spare room, if you wanna stay for a bit, and there's fresh clothes if you want,"
"Men's clothes?" He seemed confused.
"Uh..yeah they're my brothers but um- just grab what you want, okay? They're all clean, there's even new UNUSED pack of undies in his drawer" He just nodded.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed, back to work I guess. Have to be there 7.am sharp, but I'm Robyn, I'm never on time so they'll expect me at around 8. I wore a white tank top and black jeans with a black bomber jacket. I dried my hair and put it up in a ponytail.
I went to the kitchen and made a quick breakfast, an omelette. Then nick walked in, I was startled to be honest, I forgot he was here. "Omelette?" I ask. He looks at me blankly and eventually nods. I gave him mine and made myself another.
"Why you eating so fast? Slow down, no ones gonna kill you,"
"Actually my boss isn't exactly friendly when it comes to lateness, and I'm already late I'd rather not be more late." I just nod.
"What's up?" I ask him.
"What?" He says not even looking at me.
"What's up, you're acting a little off." He stops and just looks at me.
"Nothing, Thanks for the breakfast and the clothes, it was nice knowing you, Robyn. I gotta go." He rushed out. Uhm..okay?

*phone rings* I grab my phone, it's the director, crap I'm late! I put everything in the sink and run out my apartment.

I walk in the building, quickly ran to the elevators, clicking its button a million times. My thoughts came rushing in, I can't stop thinking about him, ugh that idiot!! Why did he talk to me?
The elevator bell dings and I step out. I head to the directors office quickly. But my dumbass decided to look to the left. WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE! There he was, just standing there. I rushed away hoping he didn't see me too.
I knock on the directors door and enter.
"Robyn! About time," director greeted (kinda?),"it's been a while!"
"Yes it has," I chuckled and hugged him. He's a great director, always looked up to him. Been working with him for a while now. "So what's with the meeting? You said you wanted to discuss something with me?"
"Ah yes, please sit down." He said pointing at the chair, I happily sat down, I wasn't exactly pain free this morning. "I have a offer, and I think you'll like it very much," I smiled, I knew exactly what he was gonna ask but I have other stuff to deal with nowadays.
"How would you like to work under Gibbs again, you can stop whenever you want just like before." He saw that I looked unsure so he continued,"of course you have as long as you want to think about this, no pressure! We always appreciate what you and MI6 do for us."
"Thank you, I'll think about it, I love working here you know that but maybe now isn't the best time. I'll see." I say standing up, I shake his hand and leave,"see you around Vance."
I go down the stairs and to the squad room. I step in and was greeted by Ellie and McGee. "Robyn! We haven't seen you in ages!" Ellie said hugging me.
"Yeah, how long has it been? More than a year right?" McGee said. I hugged him.
"Yeah, sorry about that guys, was a rough time. Where's Gibbs?"
"He's...well he WAS here a minute ago, I don't know where he went,"
"He went to Vance!" The familiar voice spoke.
"Oh Robyn, this is agent Torres!" I smile and awkwardly wave.
"We've met," He sat on his desk.
"You have..?" Ellie asked, confused. They both were. I awkwardly laughed.
"Uh yeah downstairs not long ago!!" I said quickly giving him a glare.
"How do you guys know her?" They laughed at his question, now HE was confused. He raised an eyebrow.
"Robyn? She's the director of MI6!! Of course we know her, plus she's worked with us before. And...hopefully will work with us again soon?" Ellie said.
"Director? Wow!" He chuckled shaking his head, "so much for a drug lord, huh?" They all looked at me confused, I just laughed awkwardly.

•a few weeks passed*
That damn man. Just there, in my head. Can't get him out. Why? Why me? Always me! I sigh out of frustration. I'm this close to ripping my hair out of my head.

I drive to his place and knock on his door. He opens the door and as soon as he sees my face he shut the door quickly.
"Well that went well.." I say to myself. I stood outside his apartment for half an hour.
I knock again and wait.
"Go away!!" He shouted.
"Really nick? Just open the door!! Please I wanna talk," I stood there in silence for a while more. He finally budged and opened the door.
"Come in, what do you want?"
"Look, about that night, I remember maybe half of it okay? Like until you sat across from me."
"That's all? That's the only thing you remember?" He sighed.
"Look I'm sorry, next thing I remember is waking up next to you," I continued.
"So you came here to tell me what you remember? Or...?"
"No, I came here to tell you to just forget about everything! Please? Like let's just start fresh."
"Fine, on one condition!"
"Name it..."
"You don't tell anyone about this,"
"Yeah duh! That's whole point of starting fresh!"
"Well then..I'm nick," he offered his hand.
"I'm Robyn," I shake his hand smiling like an idiot. "AND I'm the director of MI6."
"Oh now you mention it?!" He laughs.
We sat on his couch and just talked for hours.
"So What did Vance want from you the other day?"
"Vance? He offered me a 'job' at NCIS."
"Oh. Did you accept?"
"I don't know, man. I've worked under Gibbs many times, and worked with McGee a lot and I love it-"
"So what's the problem? Why aren't you accepting his offer?"
"I've got a lot going on, it's been rough. And MI6 hasn't been in the best shape for awhile cause I've been away. Andy isn't the best sub-director I guess."
"Come on! It'll be fun! Plus you'll get to hang out with me. That's like, EVERYBODY'S dream!!" I laughed at his last comment.
"Well I can't exactly let Andy be Director again, the building is like a zoo! I'm not even kidding! Plus all the agents are slacking! There's no control, I need to keep fixing the place, after that, maybe."
"See, you're so stressed! You need to take a break, away from the office-"
"A BREAK?! I've had a break for nearly a year now! I can't keep having anymore breaks!" I put my hands on my face, everything's coming back again. DAMMIT!
"Robyn? What's up?"
"Nothing, I'm sorry for disturbing you," I got up and started wearing my jacket, "I gotta go, it's late. Thank you, and I'll think about it."
"You didn't disturb me, I'm glad we talked! I guess I'll see you around." He just looked confused. I smiled and left quickly, I need a drink ASAP.

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