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*alarm goes off*
My eyes flutter open, I try to turn the alarm off but I ended up pushing my phone off the table. "No, no, no!!" I jumped out of bed and instantly fell to the floor. My head started pounding, I tried to get back focus in my eyes but I couldn't so I took it slow and tried to adjust. Eventually, it got better. I grabbed my phone and surprise! The screen was cracked.
"Crap!" I threw it on the bed and slowly got up. I groaned loudly as I stretched. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower.
Once I got dressed, I headed to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. Imma need lots of it. I look around my apartment and see all the beer bottles, so that's why I'm feeling like this, I'm hungover. I chugged down my coffee and refilled the cup.
I grabbed a garbage bag and stared to clean the place.
*ding* I grabbed my phone.
Unknown number
•Hey! This is nick. You awake?

*Yeah, what's up?
I saved his number...
•Oh, nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were all good. I was worried that's all...
*I'm good, thanks💛
•great! Well I'm heading to work, are you gonna talk to Vance today or..?
*Im still thinking, nick😅
•alright... see you around then!
*I might come say hi to gibbs today tho, so I'll see you then😄
•oh really? Cool😅 but why gibbs?
*cause he's like a father to me...?
•oh...okay, see you then.

I put my phone in my pockets and took my car keys and headed to MI6 building.
I walk in and was greeted by the agents walking around, I smiled and kept walking.
I got into my office and let out a sigh. I look at the time, 10 mins left till I have to talk to everyone. I'm still hungover, I feel like crap, I don't know how I'm gonna do this. I opened my drawer and pulled out an aspirin, my cure?
"Hey! For a second I thought you weren't gonna show up!" My good friend, Benji exclaimed.
"Shh, not so loud!" I put my hand on my pounding head. Why's he so loud?
"Ugh, hungover? Again?" He said quieter, "Robyn, you said you were done. What happened?" He came closer.
"Nothing, I'm fine. I know what I said, Benji. I don't need a reminder, thanks. But here I am, right?" I sighed, "I don't know what's wrong with me! Why am I like this?"
"It's okay, come here." I put my head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I left you guys-"
"No, shh, let me finish. You guys are my family, you know that. It's just, I don't know. It was hard, and I couldn't take it anymore, I didn't want you guys to see me like this," I said pointing at myself, "so I thought I should leave. And now this place is a mess! Maybe if I stayed, I would be better, and this place would be better. I don't know, I don't know! I'm sorry!"
"It's okay, we know why you did it, and to see you standing here today, it shows how strong you are. And this place only fell cause the agents only respect you! Literally, this dude threw an apple at Andy," he started to laugh, "and his eye was bruised for like two weeks!" I chuckled lightly.
"Well, then. Let's show them who's boss!" I said getting up.
"Yes!! That's the Robyn I know! Go get 'em boss!" He punched me lightly on my arm.
I went to the hall where I'm supposed to talk to all the agents but only a few showed up, who gave them the right!?
I grab the microphone that's connected to all the speakers in the building, "let's show them who's boss, right?" I look at benji.
"This is Director Robyn! You have one minute to get to the hall! If I don't see you there, no one will ever see YOU again. Those who know me, know I ain't kidding. Plus I could use a few rounds with someone. Who's gonna volunteer?" I smirked as I spoke into the mic.
I look into the security cameras and see the agents running, the hall was flooded within seconds. "Get the names of those who aren't here, no one else will enter," I told Benji.
"Your time is up!" I speak into the mic one more time, "thank you for volunteering!"
I test the main mic in the hall,
"Welcome! Idiots, please do show up on time next time, or you'll be my sparring partner for a month. NOW! Agents have been slacking off, a lot! That's not how I run this agency, those of you who have worked under me, know what I'm like. If you're a good agent, I'm good to you. And vice versa, of course. I heard rumours," I look at Andy, "that one of you threw an apple at my dear friend, Andy."
I heard a few people laugh, "Oh, this is funny? Well I'm glad you find it funny, who are you exactly?"
"Me?" An agent spoke.
"No the other idiot next to you,"
"Oh my god, why is he here?" I looked at Andy, he just mouthed, [he threw the apple at me!]
"Come here!" I told the agent. He slowly got past all the agents.
"Yes what?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Aha, did he just? Wow! You see, I could make an example out of you, but I'm allowing you to keep your pride and correct yourself." He just scoffed and looked down.
"Okay, well you chose!" I swinged my leg and hit his face, he dropped to the floor.
"Robyn!" Benji called out.
"No, no he's good, aren't you?" I said picking him up with my hand on his throat, "now you were saying?" I looked him dead in the eye.
"Yes..ma'am?" I let go and he tried to catch his breath.
"If you're not serious, leave now! I don't want an agent like you in my agency if this is a joke to you! Go back to your place." He did as I said.
"If none of you are taking this job seriously, please do everyone a favour and walk away, right now! Cause I'm not risking the lives of my agents cause some IDIOT thinks this is a joke. If you're out, you're out. No one will judge you. This agency will rise again! I'm sorry to the idiot, I never caught your name so...please don't hold this against me, I'm nice, USUALLY." I smirked. "Now, go back to your jobs, no more slacking. I will be coming around at some point to see how everyone is doing. Thank you, see you around guys!" I walked away quickly.
"Robyn!" Benji walked after me. He came into my office, with Andy and Douglas.
"What the hell was that?!" Andy shouted.
"That was a directors speech!"
"Robyn, you shouldn't of have done that." Benji added.
"Ugh come on, it's not like she's never done this!" Douglas joined.
"Jeez thanks doug, but I've NEVER done this, and hopefully it'll be the last. Anyways, did you get the names of the people who didn't show up?"
"Uhm, Yeah! Three people. One girl, two boys." Benji said handing me their files.
"Thanks," I grabbed the mic, "Anna Johnson, Troy Williams, and Jay.." I looked at the name trying to make sense of it but it read the same thing, "erhm, and Jay Collmark, please report to my office, now!" I paused, what the hell? Collmark?
"Robyn? I don't think they're related-"
"His son, his name is Jay, how can it not be him. I didn't know he joined MI6. Ugh I was supposed to look after them,dammit!"
*knock, knock*
"Come in!" I called out. The three agents came in, "have a seat."
"Hmm?" I pushed my back further on my chair and put my legs on the desk.
"Why are we here?" The girl, Anna, asked.
"That's a good question, who can answer it?" They all stared at me blankly, "Wow, three more idiots. Is this place like a idiot hotspot or something?" I raise an eyebrow.
"We are not idiots!" Jay spoke.
"Start acting like it then," I said calmly. They just looked down, "you guys are so much effort! One of you talk! Where the hell were you when I called everyone?!" I began raising my voice.
"You don't have the right to talk to me like that!" Troy shouted back, I laughed.
"Did he just?" I kept laughing. I sprung out of my seat, "I have the right to do whatever the heck I want with you," I walked Behind them slowly.
"Don't do that, please. It's really creepy," jay said.
"Then talk..my god! What were you doing? Drugs? Heck, threesome??"
"WHAT THE HELL?! NO" Anna got up.
"Sit down!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her down. She grabbed my arm and twisted it trying to get me in a choke hold. I simply laughed, what the hell is she doing?
"Anna, STOP!" Jay intruded.
"No, no. It's okay! Let me see what she's got," I replied. She just added more force, she was strong but still needed some work. I reached back and grabbed her by the shoulders and sprung her above me, and pushed her to the floor. "Still an amateur, but you have hope." I offered my hand to help her up, she took it and got up.
"Listen, I don't care what yall were doing, honestly I couldn't care any less. But what I do care about is that you show up when you're asked to show up. Next time I won't be so nice," Anna gave me a look, "I'm sorry," I laughed, "but you asked for it, technically. You may leave!" I pointed to the door, "agent Collmark, a word? Privately." They all left except for Jay.
"Ma'am?" He sat down.
"Who's your father?"
"John Collmark, ma'am." I looked down and nodded.
"I'm truly sorry for your loss, he was a great man-"
"You knew him?" He jumped out of his seat.
"Yes, of course." I was confused, why wouldn't I. He was the director of MI6, he assigned me the next director. Did he not tell his family?
"How did you know him? Did you trade with him?"
"Yeah, He was a business man!"
"Oh." Should I tell him? He deserves to know, especially now that he's in the same job as him, "listen, Jay, your father...he was the director of MI6." His eyes were wide open now. "I'm sorry, he didn't die how you thought he died.."
"Wow, that's...amazing!! My father worked here?"
"Yes! He was the best person in this agency, taught me everything I know."
"He taught you to torture your agents?"
"Oof, major shade! Thanks man. And no! He was too nice. And I'm not like that, so please don't hold it against me," I smiled.
"Thanks for telling me, but I'm guessing I can't tell my mum about it right?"
"Depends...does she know what you are?"
"I had to tell her, she thought I started hanging with the wrong people and got addicted to stuff. I've been acting weirdly so.."
"Well, I can come tell her later if you want. I promised him I'd take care of you guys."
"Yeah sure, that'll be great! And..umm how did he die?"
"He umm.." I rubbed my forehead and let out a big sigh, "he got shot, a few times, by some..man during a mission." He simply looked down, I just piled so much information on him. We were silent for a while.
"Thanks, I appreciate you telling me all this." He finally spoke.
"Of course, if you need anything, you know where my office is. Or just give me a call," I handed him a paper with my number.
"Will do, thanks again," he got up to leave.
"Don't skip the thing again!"
"I won't, sorry about that!"
I grabbed my coat and headed downstairs. I finished all my duties, and most importantly I went around the agency and checked on all the agents. It was a good day, stressful and long but good.
I reached the NCIS headquarter and headed upstairs to the squad room.
"Hey guys! Guess who's back?!" I was cheerful, for once.
"What?!" Ellie got up, "Hey!!" I hugged her and then McGee.
"Hey!" nick said. I went to him and hugged him too, but guess he was shocked by the gesture cause he only hugged me back after a few seconds.
"How have you guys been?" I tried to make small talk.
"Good," They all said in unison.
"Great...how's Delilah? You put a ring on her yet?" I said excitedly.
"How do you even know about that?" McGee asked.
"Oh..I-um..nick?" Nick just smiled awkwardly.
"Sorry bud, no more spilling secrets." Nick 'locked' his mouth and threw the 'key' away.
"Yeah, don't you dare tell Delilah! If you ruin this-"
"McGee, calm down!" I laughed.
"I'm calm, I'm calm! I just have to find the perfect time to propose."
"You're stressing it too much, Tim!" Ellie said.
"Yeah, I agree!" I said.
"Me too!" Nick joined in.
"Me three!" Gibbs said out of nowhere.
"There you are!" I went up to him and hugged him.
"They said you were back," he kissed my forehead lightly, "it's good to see you, Robyn! How you been?"
"Good, well I've been better. But I'm good. How you been?"
"Good. It's About time you came back, we need to have a chat later." I nodded.
"Sure, I'll come by later." He grabbed his coffee and went up to Vance.
"I'm gonna get going, I'm really tired," McGee said grabbing his stuff.
"Yeah same here!" Ellie said. I looked at nick waiting for him to say the same thing but he just sat on his desk.
"I'll see you guys later!" I waved them goodbye.
"So, you're not leaving?" Nick asked.
"Are you?"
"I still got paperwork," he points to his desk full of paper.
"Oh, well I'll stick around some more. So you're not all alone like that night when you're date left you, but you still won't admit it."
"Jeez, thanks?" He sat down on his chair. "So why you so cheery?"
"Hmm?" I sat on the floor next to him, "can I not be happy?"
"That's not what I meant, like at all!"
"I know!" I laughed, "the agency is...getting better. Hopefully, I don't wanna jinx it already."
"See! I told you, it'll get better over time. You just need to be patient." He shuffled through all the paper on his desk.
"Yeah, I guess so."
We sat in silence for another hour or so, I was on my phone and he was filling those papers.
So I texted him.
*ding* he looked at his phone...
* you planning to go home or...?
* there's literally no one else in this building!

He looked at me...and started typing,
•just give me a sec

*great! Take all the time you need😌😌

I smiled, "Well come on then!!"
"Fine!" He got up and grabbed his jacket.
"A little help," I reached my hand out for him to pull me up.
"Hungry?" He asked as we got in the elevator.
"Very!" I exclaimed.

The '•' is for Nick's texts and the '*' is for Robyn's texts.

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