~ CHAPTER 12 ~

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The smell of sanitation captivated me, or as my mother called it the smell of illness. I never understood it, but I guess it's the first thing you think of when the smell hits you.
I laid on the bed waiting for the doctor to return with my releasing papers.
"Shouldn't you stay a little longer?" Nick said softly.
"If I stay here any longer, I'm gonna get worse. I have to leave, Nick! I can't stay. It's driving me nuts," I sighed, "I don't like hospitals."
"Okay...just breathe," He lightly chuckled, "He'll release you, don't worry."
"I'm afraid we can't let you leave just yet," the doctor said.
"What?!" I jumped out of the bed ready to fight, unfortunately I was unsteady. Nearly fell, face first on the ground. Nick caught me.
"You okay?" He wore a worried face.
"Yep...Fine." I sighed.
"That's why you're not leaving any time soon," Gibbs said entering the room.
"Hey Gibbs," I smiled.
"hey, How you doing, kid?"
"Great," he looked at me raising an eyebrow, "Fine...i could be better,"
"You're still extremely dehydrated," the doctor, Dr. Smith, said.
"Of course I am," I rolled my eyes.
"And given your heart problems-" the doctor said.
"Jake!" I slammed my forehead.
"Woah...heart problems?" Gibbs and nick said in unison.
"It's nothing!" I said.
"Nothing? You nearly died because of it!" Dr. Smith laughed lightly, "Nothing..." he scoffed.
"Jake...I'm gonna kill you," I sat back on the bed.
"Rob, What heart problem?" Gibbs said sternly.
"I may or may not of have damaged my heart during a mission..." I said looking down.
"Why am I not shocked?" Nick sat down on the chair beside me.
"That's not fair...ONE TIME, Okay? It was one time."
"What about the other time when-" the doctor added.
"I swear to god Jake if you don't shut up!"
"Right...sorry." He scratched his head, "I'll shut up."
"No no don't shut up, what happened?" Gibbs said.
"Nothing..." and with that Jake left quickly.

"Rob..." Gibbs said.
"I don't want you going to work for at least a few weeks, and I want you to talk to someone."
"What? A therapist?" I laughed, "I'm not going to a therapist, Roy."
"Well you gotta talk to someone!" He kissed my forehead and left, "take care of her nick!"
"Will do." Nick looked at me, "heart problem? Why wouldn't you tell me?"
"I don't know, it never came up." I shrugged.
"This is something I need to know, what if something were to happen to you? Huh?" He shook his head in frustration.
"But nothing happened, I have it under control." I held his hand, "I'm okay, Nick. Seriously."
"Okay," He said softly, "I hope so. I can't lose you."
"You're not," I kissed his hand, "I'm not going anywhere."
"I thought-" his voice broke, "I thought I lost you!" His lips trembled.
"Hey..." I sat up and held him, "I'm here, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
"It's not your fault. I'm sorry, I- I'm being selfish." He chuckled lightly, "I should be comforting you..."
"Once you feel better, I will too. I need to see you smile, it always brightens my day." I smiled.
"That simple?" He laughed, "so all I gotta do is make you laugh?" I nodded.
"Basically..." I moved over so he could lay next to me, "Come on." I tapped the area beside me.
"Make you laugh...that I can do. Easily," He laid beside me, wrapping his arms around me.
"You're amazing, you know that?" I rested my head on his chest.
"Yeah I know..." he smirked.
"Of course," I laughed.

[1 week later]
"Come on, get inside quick. It's freezing!" He rubbed his hands together.
"Well I'm sorry if I can't walk properly," I laughed, "I'm going as fast as I can!"
"Ugh, I can't watch this." He picked me up carrying me to the apartment.
"Nick!!!" I laughed, "Not necessary! Put me down!"
"As you please..." He said once we reached the apartment, "now...get inside."
"Thank you," I kissed him softly and entered the apartment.
"Welcome home!!!" A group of people jumped up. I quickly grabbed the gun under the table, aiming it towards them.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?!?" I put the gun down, "I could've shot you!" I shook my head.
"We didn't- um we didn't expect that." Ellie said.
"Really? I did. Except like a machine gun instead of a handgun!" Benji exclaimed.
"Thanks Benji." I rolled my eyes laughing, "Anyways...what are you guys doin?"
"We threw you a surprise party!" The people in the room said.
"Yeah?" I glared at Nick, "Thanks Guys, I appreciate that...but I'm really tired, I need to rest."
"Bullshit, you just slept for 12 hours." Nick added.
"Heh..." I glared at him again, "right! Then...as you were!" I greeted everyone then headed to my room. I plopped my achy body on the bed.
*knock knock*
"Hey...all good?" Ellie said.
"Yeah, just achy." I smiled.
"Anything else that's bugging you?" She raised an eyebrow.
"You mean besides the people in the living room?" Her eyes shot wide open, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just...surprised that's all."
"Well it is a surprise party!" She chuckled, "I'm sorry if it is bugging you..." she looked down.
"No no, I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood to party. Theo is still in the hospital and we're here celebrating? It- it just doesn't feel right that's all." I fiddled with my fingers, "he would've loved this party..." I laughed lightly, "he'd be the first to get drunk. Then he'd show up to work with a hangover!" I laughed, "he should be here..." my voice cracked, "it should be me in that hospital room, suffering." I stopped and took a breath, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I wiped the tears away quickly and got up.
"No no, it's okay." Ellie put a hand on my shoulder, "it shouldn't of have been any of you! It shouldn't be you nor him. I know this feels unfair, I get it. But you gotta keep going, he wouldn't want you to do this to yourself!" Ellie stated.
"Yeah," I hugged Ellie, "thank you."
"Of course," she held me tighter, "I'm always here."
"Thanks," I forced a smile.
"All good here?" Nick came in.
"Yeah. Perfect, we were just...gossiping!" I said quickly. Ellie looked at me and finally agreed.
"Okay...Chelle can I talk to you for a second?" Nick said.
"Yeah sure," I nodded.
"I'll leave you two to it," she smiled and left.
"I just wanted to say...the party was kind of my idea," he sat on the bed, "I know- now I know...that you don't want a party, so sorry about that,"
"I appreciate the thought, it's really sweet!"
"But...parties aren't my thing!" He nodded, "I was kinda planning to just chill with you, watch some movies and you know maybe...have a little fun now that we're out of the hospital!" He smiled.
"In that case I'm kicking everyone out!" He got up.
"No! Leave them," I laughed, "There's a door and lock for a reason." I smirked.
"Yes there is..." he quietly closed the door and locked it, "would you look at that? Our own privacy."
"It's amazing isn't it?" I smiled, "just come here!" He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Are you sure we're allowed?" He said after he kissed me.
"Why wouldn't we be?" He softly poked my 'heart', "Nick...I'm Fine."
"Okay..." he kissed me again, his tongue asking for entrance, which I gladly allowed. He broke the kiss pulling back my bottom lip, then connecting our lips together once again. Each was more eager than the other. He carefully pulled my shirt off, I did the same to him, and connected our lips once more. He threw me in the bed then paused. Shock took over him.
"What?" I looked up at him.
"Your..." then it hit me...he hasn't seen my body since what happened.
"Nick, you Okay?"
"Am I okay? Babe, are you okay?" He sat on the bed beside me.
"You need to stop asking me that!" I sighed in frustration, "asking 100 times a day will not change my answer!"
"I'm sorry...it's just that- I know you're just putting on a brave face. Nobody is okay after that. You say you're okay but you're not. And I get it, but you gotta talk to someone, please."
"I know..." I said softly, "and I will, when I'm ready."
"Okay, good." He smiled. He rolled on top of me, placing soft kisses. He made his way down, kissing every visible scar. I smiled at his gesture, "you're beautiful, you know that?" He came back up and kissed me again.
"Or So you say," I smiled.
"Cause it's true," he kissed me again, deeply. His hands moved down to my legs, stroking them in a soothing movement. His lips were on my neck, sucking and biting.
*knock knock*
"Why is it locked? Robyn??!" Benji continued to knock.
"Just Ignore Him," i said quietly to Nick. He continued making his way down.
"Robyn!! I know you're ignoring me but I really need to tell you something!!!" He said over and over again.
"Go," nick laughed and rolled over.
"Ugh..." I grabbed my shirt and quickly put it on. Nick did the same and sat on the bed innocently. I signalled him and he quickly fixed his hair. 
"What Benji?" I opened the door.
"What are you doing? The party is out there!" Benji said entering the room, "Oh, that's what you were doing..." Benji laughed.
"No! Benji! My god!" I shook my head, "we were just talking!"
"Sure. If that were true why does he have lipstick on his lips?" Benji questioned, Nick quickly swept his hand over his mouth, "aha!! So you were doing it!" He laughed.
"Benji!" I laughed, "Stop! What do you want?"
"Okay, so remember that game I started playing?"
"Okay, you don't remember but whatever," he shook his head, "So I've been trying to beat this dudes high score and yesterday night I finally DID IT!!" He exclaimed ecstatically.
"Great...whoo!" I said with a straight face.
"Tsk whatever, you're no fun when you're with him." He was about to leave but I stopped him.
"I'll come around and beat your ass in 'call of duty' in like a week," he laughed.
"You can't win against the master,"
"I have and I will."
"Oo damn babe, show him who's boss!" Nick laughed.
"We'll see!" And he left, finally.

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