~ CHAPTER 10 ~

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"What makes you think I have a wild side?" I laughed at Ellie's statement.
"You definitely do!" She states again.
"Mmh, sure." I rolled my eyes.
"You seem like you have a different side to you," McGee said, "that none of us have seen,"
"You too McGee?" I shook my head, "but, it's true."
"So you do have a wild side?" Nick said shockingly.
"No!" I laughed, "I have another side to me BUT not a 'wild side' or whatever."
"Sure..." Ellie said.
"Whatever. You're one to talk," I scoffed.
"Huh? Me?" She chuckled, "Yeah...I don't have another side. This is me!"
"Ellie, I know you!" I smirked, "I know who you are..." I said squinting my eyes at her.
"One day you'll show your true self," I got up and went to the snack room.
"So...no wild side, huh?" Nick said with a smirk, his warm breath on my neck sending shivers down my back.
"What? You have a fetish for it?" I joked.
"Maybe," He got closer.
"Okay," I moved away, grabbing my coffee, "not here," I said quietly.
"Come on," He whined, "I've always wanted to have office sex." He said quietly and winked.
"Well," I laughed, "Not here!"
"Fine," he frowned.
"If you ever come over to my actual office," I got closer to him, "then I'll make your wish come true," I whispered in his ear.
"Are you sure you don't have a wild side?" He laughed.
"Oh my god!!! Shut up!!" I laughed walking away.
"Wait," he pulled me back.
"Nothing," He said then pressed his lips to mine, "I just really wanted to do that. See ya."
"See ya," I said quietly.

"I though you went to get a coffee," Ellie said.
"I did," I said looking down at Nothing in my hands, "damn it!" I looked at Nick, he just shrugged his shoulders.
"You might've left it in the break room," Nick took a sip of a coffee.
"Is that...?" I glared at him, "you didn't..."
"Give it!" I demanded.
"Come on! It's really good!"
"I know, I made it!"
"Ugh, Fine," he took another sip and gave it to me.
"Thanks," I took it and sat down in Gibbs' desk.

-So that's what the kiss was for🙄

•😂sorry for distracting you
•the coffee smelt good

-Ik, it tastes good too

•we still talkin bout the coffee?😏

-my god😂 such an idiot

•delicious* idiot😏😇

-you're so weird🙈😂
-but...yes very delicious😌😚

•😏the best you'll have

-you're getting ahead of urself now🤔

•agh, I'm offended.
•this is some Latin goodness!


•we'll see after tonight...

-oh I'm not gonna be home tonight

•what? Why?

-other work
-I'll be home at around 2 or 3 maybe

•Robyn, that's not healthy.

-I know...but work is work

•just make sure you come home

-just make sure you wrap ur arms around me

•😚I promise


"I still don't understand how you're the director of MI6," McGee said out of nowhere.
"Wow," I laughed, "Thanks, Tim."
"I mean- you're a great director-"
"There's no going back now, McGee!" Nick laughed.
"No I'm just saying-"
"I think it's best if you run, Tim." Ellie said.
"Would you let me finish!?" He shook his head, "it's just that, you're young! I mean most directors are old!" McGee stated.
"Um..." we all turned away.
"Damn it, he's behind me isn't he?" McGee said.
"Thanks McGee," Vance said, "Robyn, my office."
"Yes sir," I got up, "unlucky McGee," I patted his shoulders.
"Yeah," he frowned, "You Guys couldn't of have warned me before I said that?!" He shook his head.

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