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[6 months since nick moved in...]

"Robyn?!" He bellowed across the apartment.
"I bought Starbucks!" I came running.
"You did What?!" I wore a big grin on my face.
"Here you go," he handed me a Frappuccino.
"Awhhh, I'm gonna cry!! I really needed this, thank you!!!" I hugged him and grabbed the drink.
"Anytime," he smiled, "why do you need it, Everything alright?" He sat down beside me and looked worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just exhausted. A lot of work to do. Andy just called, we lost two agents," I looked down.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," he pulled me closer.
"Thanks," I laid my head on his shoulder.

"On a happier note...we do have the day off today!" I smiled and looked up at him.
"We do!" He smiled back, "don't jinx it though, please!"
"We haven't had a case in a while...hopefully it stays that way," I said.
"I don't know about that, I'm kinda bored..."
"Yes, very!"
"How can you be bored? When THIS is around!" I pointed at myself. He looked at me and laughed.
"Right, when you're around I'm having lots of fun!" He mocked.
"AGH, how dare you!?" I laughed, "I'm the funnest!"
"Thats not a word..."
"It isn't?"
"I don't think so..." he raised an eyebrow.
"Doesn't matter, you know what I mean!" He chuckled.
"Sure, you're the FUNNEST!" I rolled my eyes.
"Shush, you're glad I exist!"
"That...is 100% true!" He smirked.
"Just 100%? Not 110%? Pfft, you can do better Torres!"
"Fine...200% true! Better?"
"Much better!" I smiled and laid my head back on his chest.

*phone rings*
-yes? (I answered)
•we got a case, Abby sent the address!
•be there quickly!
-whoa what?
-oh come on...
•quit whining and be there
-yes boss...see ya
[call ended]

I looked up at Nick and nervously smiled.
"Oh no, we got a case didn't we?" I nodded.
"I told you! Don't jinx it!!" He shook his head and got up.
"I'm sorry!!" We left the apartment and headed to the scene.

"I always tell you, don't say Stuff like that! You're like bad luck!" He continued arguing.
"Ugh, how do you know it's me who's bad luck? Why not you, dipshit? We're always in the same place anyway!"
"Because bad stuff doesn't happen when I'm alone!"
"Well, you're free to leave Torres! Doors open!"
"What's happening?" Ellie joined in.
"Nothing!" Nick and I said in unison.
"28 year old marine, found dead this morning," McGee said.
"Name?" Gibbs asked.
"Ace Perez," jimmy informed us.
"Where's he from?" Nick asked.
"It says here...that he's from Puerto Rico," McGee answered.
"Cause of death?" Gibbs asked.
"Two gunshot wounds to the chest, one to the head...but he could've died from something else. See these marks on his skin...they could be caused from a certain poison." Jimmy said.
"So what they shot him for fun? As target practice?" Nick clenched his jaw.
"Umm...well I can't say for sure...but they probably shot him to make sure he's dead. But it could be the cause of death," Jimmy gave a sympathetic look.
"Time of death," Gibbs asked. Nick walked away and headed to the car, I followed suit.
"Looks like it was about 2 or 3 hours before the body was found...but again-"
"You can only confirm when you get the results," Gibbs began to walk away.
"Yeah," jimmy said softly.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked nick.
"Great," he sighed.
"Doesn't look like it..." I put my hand on his shoulder.
"I'm fine, Robyn, thanks." He faked a smile.
"Okay, well I'm here when you wanna talk," I smiled and walked away to give Him space.

"What's with Nick?" Ellie asked.
"I don't know, he says he's fine." I shrugged.
"He doesn't look fine," McGee added.
"I know, and he isn't. But I can't pry it out of him. If he wants to talk he will. He's not exactly in touch with his feelings," they both gave a sympathetic look.
"What do you got abbs?" I asked as I got inside her lab.
"Ooh, just in time!" She said as the machine chimed.
"Great, what does it say?"
"Oh!" She said as the results came up on the screen.
"What?" I stepped closer.
"He was...like poisoned but evilly poisoned!"
"Not only did they roofie him, they inserted this extremely poisonous, venomous substance!"
"They roofied him?"
"Yeah, He had no idea what was going on!"
"He was defenceless..."
"Kind of, here's the thing this venom, rushed inside his body and basically woke him up...which is why he has that blunt force trauma on his head!" She concluded.
"They knocked him out again," I shook my head, "was the venom the cause of death?"
"Unfortunately no! You see the lacerations on his body," she put up a picture of the autopsy, "this venom increased blood volume and messed up the blood clot formation process-"
"So he bled to death?"
"Not exactly..."
"Abby...what is the cause of death...please,"
"Right, this!" She put up another picture.
"Is that a-"
"Yes, a jelly bean!"
"But it's not any jelly bean!"
"Of course not," I sighed.
"What do you got abbs?" Gibbs joined.
"You came just in time, boss!"
"What's that?" Gibbs pointed to the screen.
"That's our cause of death!" Gibbs raised an eyebrow.
"Abby, I hate to say this, but please get to the point!"
"This jelly bean, was laced with...drum roll please..." she paused and put another picture.
"Cyanide...?" I said.
"Thanks abbs," he kissed her on the cheek and walked away.
"Why would they do ALL of this?" I asked Abby.
"I don't know...like I said...pure evil!"
"We can't find anything on Ace that indicates he was involved in anything. Seems like a random attack," I sighed.
"Maybe..." Abby said.

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