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[Moving day]
*knock, knock*
My eyes fluttered open with the loud banging on the door.
*knock, knock* they banged louder...
•can you please open the door?!🙃
• ROBYN?!!

- what do u want??
-it's five fking AM

•I got a car full of boxes...I'm moving in today...we agreed on that a few days ago??
•☹️you forgot💔

-I remember I'm just messin😅
-give me one second...

•hurry my arm is hurting🥺

-ok ok🤭

I grabbed my robe and put it on quickly.
I open the door widely and give him space to come in.
"Hey!" He gave me a hug after he placed his box on the floor near the kitchen.
"Hi," I smiled.
"You sure about this? I'm not intruding or anything?" He asked.
"No, of course not. I'm glad you agreed to stay, it's gonna be fun!" I said truthfully.
"Alright, thanks!" He smiled, "and it will be fun, trust me!" He winked and went to grab some more boxes.
"Why at five AM?" I asked when he came back.
"Because we have work?"
"No we don't..."
"Yes...we do?" He raises an eyebrow.
"No I'm serious, we don't," He looked at me in confusion.
"What do you- what do you mean?"
"I already talked to Gibbs, we're not going today...he knows you're moving in today. So I asked him for a day off for the both of us so we can get you settled in!" He nodded slowly.
"Well, that's great! I was dreading going to work!" He smiled, "so thank you!" I chuckled.
"Anytime...well not exactly 'anytime', but you know what I mean," he let out a small chuckle.

We got all his boxes inside and we decided to start with his room after breakfast.

"Let's do this!" He rolled his sleeves up and started unpacking some boxes.
I moved one of his bags next to the wardrobe.
"May I?" I asked.
"Huh? Yeah, but it's fine...I'll finish up my room. Thanks,"
"I'm helping, I'm just asking if it's fine to unpack your bag or is there stuff you don't want me to see?"
"Okay...thanks, and yeah it's fine. I'm an open book!" He started.
"Yeah...not really," I laughed.
"I am!" He protested.
We argued about this for more than half an hour.

"I've done four boxes!" He threw a box outside the room, "six more to go," he sighed.
"Four boxes left actually, I've done two." He perked up.
"Thank god! I'm tired," he rubbed his eyes.
"Yeah, you've been yawning for a while," i said.
"The bags are all done?"
"All except the tiny one!" I pointed to a bag next to him.
He picked it up and started putting his stuff in the drawers.
"Umm, is this...yours?" He picked up something and waved it around while smirking.
"EW! No! Put that down, that is not mine!" I grabbed the piece of lingerie from his hand.
"What? Well who does it belong to then?" He was still smirking.
"This was my brothers room...he probably had some girls over at some point? Meaning that's some random girls lingerie? But...wait why did he keep it?" I said disgusted.
"Oh yeah, and for memories," he started arranging his stuff in the drawers again.
"Memories?" I looked at him dead in the eye, does he realise what he just said...memories of what?
"Of what?" I laughed, "a one night stand?"
"Maybe it wasn't a one night stand," He replied.
"He was never in a relationship," I clarified.
"And how do you know that?"
"He told me himself, he never found the right girl or something,"
"Just cause he told you that, doesn't mean it's true...I mean clearly, whoever this lingerie belonged to, they meant something to him!"
"Why wouldn't he tell me though?" I said after a long pause.
"Boys aren't always truthful, and they're not exactly open to talking about emotions...we block them!"
"I guess so," I threw away another box.

"Finally!!" We threw away the last box in the kitchen.
"We did it!" We high fived and sighed out of relief.
"Welcome home!" I smiled at him.
"Thank you!" He smiled back and gave me a side hug.

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