~ CHAPTER 16 ~

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Two weeks later

"I'm going, Danny. So stop trying-" Steve exclaimed.
"Why can't you say no? Huh? It's not hard. It's n and o." Danny said.
"Why are you so against it?! This is nothing compared to the missions I've been on."
"That's not the point, Steven!" Danny sighed, "you have a weak spot for her that you can't even deny a request from her."
"She didn't ask me to do this. She asked me to find intel and report. I'm doing this cause I decided to."
"That's even stupider!" Danny groaned, "look I get it, you loved her, you wanna be there for her, I get it. But you shouldn't put your life in danger for someone who moved on!"
"What are you talking about Danny?!"
"You need to let her go, you're not her genie in a bottle so stop. Don't go."
"Danny...I can't let this go. I owe her. Big time. It's not that I'm not over her, I am. But I still care for her, and if it was the other way around I know she'd do the same. Cause she have. She's done more than she needed to. Without me even asking. I owe her, Danny. She's been there for me through so much, I don't even know where to begin."
"God," Danny sighed, "son of a bitch." He mumbled, "just wait, let me pack a bag."
"What what?! I'm coming with you, someone needs to watch your six."
"Heh, thanks Danny." He hugged Danny, "you're annoying but I can always count on you."
"Like you're an angel," he scoffed.

Steve sat down on the metal chair, waiting for the person to appear in front of him. Slowly, a face looked at him through the other side of the glass.  The man laughed when he saw Steve.
"Steven fucking McGarret." He scoffed.
"Alek Robyn," Steve clenched his jaw as he spoke into the phone 

A week later

"You look beautiful," nick mumbled under his breath as his lips trailed down her body. Her breath hitched as he got lower, caressing her thighs. He slowly lifted up her shirt, unclasping her bra and left more than just a kiss. As his hand traveled down, they were interrupted by a knock.
"Michelle!" They heard someone yell, "open the door!"
"Who is it?!" Nick shouted as he went to the door. Robyn quickly covered up, grabbing her gun.
"It's Steve! Open up,"
"Steve?" The two of them looked at each other.
"And Danny!" We heard Danny's voice say.
"What are you guys doing here?" She said as she opened the door, "why are you in DC?"
"Can we talk privately?" Steve said with a serious look on his face.
"Um yeah, come on." She took him to her office and closed the door, "what's wrong? I told you if you find anything, just call or send it, you didn't have to-"
"No, Michelle...you don't understand,"

"What?!" Her eyes widened, "you're sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure." He passed her a paper.
"Fuck," she laughed, "this is- I'm gonna go insane."
"Michelle-" he wanted to calm her down though he knew there was no way.
"No. Just- " she sighed, "thank you for telling me. You can stay here as long as you want, Torres can help you out. I gotta go." She rushed out of the office and into her room. She grabbed a bag and filled it with some essentials.
"Hey, whats wrong? What's going on?!" Nick saw her packing the bag, worry taking over him, "Michelle! What's wrong?!" He grabbed her hand.
"Let me go, Nick."
"Then talk to me,"
"Let. Me. Go." He took his hands off and waited for an answer. But nothing. She didn't speak. It was clear something was bothering her. That something was eating her up. He could see her eyes, her tears begging to fall. But she kept strong.
"I'm sorry, Nick." She forced a smile, and carried her bag and rushed out of her room.
"Michelle!?" Nick screamed again and again. But she simply ignored. She left. Just like that. She left.

"What the hell did you do?!" Nick pushed Steve against the wall, "what did you say to her?! Where is she going?!"
"It doesn't concern you," Steve said, "get your hands off me."
"What did you say to her?!" Nick repeated.
"I don't like to repeat myself, Nick. Let me go."
"Fuck you." Nick scoffed, "just. Tell me." He let him go, hoping this would make him speak.
"I can't tell you anything." Steve said.
"Fuck!" Nick groaned, slamming the door shut.
"You think I should've told him?" Steve asked.
"It's not up to us. If Michelle wants him to know, she'll tell him." Danny replied, resting on the couch.
"Shit," Steve groaned as he sat beside Danny.
"You okay?"
"No, not at all."
"She's strong, she'll get through this too."
"There's only so much that a person can get through. She might be at her limit. She's gone through so much already, who knows if she's at a point where she's tired of fighting..."
"Don't think like that. I know I probably shouldn't say this to you...but nick over there loves her, and I'm pretty sure she loves him just as much though she's not ready to admit that, she has something to look to, something to keep her going. She's gonna be fine." Danny hoped to comfort Steve.
"You're right," Steve smiled, "I really hope you're right."
"Even if, we'll all be here to help her."
"Yeah, you're right."

I feel like this ain't even a nick fan fic anymore lol, but I don't want Robyn to be a plain character, tho I feel like I'm doing too much but I like it so🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

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