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This is it.
I left my apartment and headed to the NCIS building. I clicked the elevator button several times, rapidly. What? I was excited.
"Careful, You might break it!" He teased. I turn around saw nick, "Oh, Robyn!?"
"Hey!" I hugged him and he returned the gesture.
"Hi, what are you-what are you doing here?" He smiled.
"I was just-I..." I stuttered. He was wearing a tight black shirt, I was distracted...to say the least.
"Yeah, Vance!" I smiled awkwardly and looked down. Thankfully, the elevator doors opened and saved me from this awkward situation.
"After you," he waited until I got in and then stepped in too.
"Thanks," I mumbled quietly.
I got out, smiled to him, and quickly headed to Vance's office.
*knock, knock*
I entered, "Vance?"
"Robyn, come in!" He stood up. I approached him and hugged him.
"Sorry it took long to make a decision,"
"That's alright, have a seat!" I sat down and faced him, "so you accept?"
"Yes, I do." I smiled.
"Well, then you're gonna need this," he said as he grabbed something from his desk drawer. He handed me a badge and a gun.
"Oh, brings back memories," he laughed, "but I don't need the gun, I have my own." I put the gun on his desk.
"You need a NCIS licensed gun, so take it."
"Okay then," I grabbed the gun of the desk.
"You don't have to start today, you can start tomorrow if you want,"
"Oh, I was planning to start today. I don't have anything else to do,"
"Then, lets go inform the team!" He opened the door and lead me out, "but we haven't set up a desk for you..."
"That's alright, I don't want one. I prefer sitting on the floor. Or I if really wanna I'll just sit on Gibbs' desk!"
"Okay, whatever makes you comfortable," I smiled.
I followed Vance into the bullpen, and we stood in the centre.
"Gibbs..." He Cleared his throat, "you have a new member on the team!" He pointed at me.
"What?!" Nick perked up. I giggled quietly.
"Good to have you back!" Gibbs said and hugged me. The others did the same and welcomed me into the team.
"Thanks guys, it's good to be back!" I smiled at them.

We didn't have a case so I was sitting on Gibbs' desk bored to death. They all had paperwork and Gibbs is god knows where.
I sighed.
"Bored...already?!" Nick laughed.
"Leave me alone, I don't like 'office work', such a headache!"
"You're not even doing anything," McGee pointed out.
"I don't have to being do it to get a headache! I just see you guys doing it and ugh!"
"Aren't you like the director of MI6?" Ellie mocked.
"Uhm yes? What does that have to do with this issue??!" I asked.
"Shouldn't you like be used to...office work?" Nick asked.
"No! I don't sit by my office everyday, I'm suppose to, but I don't! I'm a field agent. I have someone else do my paperwork!" I smirked.
"Wow! I wanna be Director!" Nick exclaimed.
We laughed, "it's not that simple, idiot." I said.
"Yeah, once she didn't sleep for days! And she came to talk to Vance but Gibbs sent her home. She was in a horrific state. Like dark eye bag, red puffy eyes, hair was like poof," he motioned, " like she was a mess!"
"Okay, McGee! I think he gets it now..."
"Why didn't you sleep? Nothing is more important than sleep." Ellie said turning her chair around to face me and Nick sat on the edge of his desk.
"Because...the mission went wrong, we lost a lot of agents. Good agents too. Like if it were the 'eh' age-never mind. So I had to replan the mission, send more agents. Go with the new team. Honestly, I don't know!" I shrugged, "it wasn't the best idea. I'm pretty sure I'm just making excuses," I looked down. The place fell silent, they didn't know what to say.
"Anyways!!" I said and shot up out of the seat, "can yall stop for a bit? I'm bored. Please?!" I whined.
"Lucky for you, I'm bored too!" Was nick quoting me? I'm pretty sure I said this to him a while back. He winked at me, yep he was quoting me. I laugh and shake my head.
"I need to finish these papers then we can do whatever!" McGee said and Ellie agreed.
"Really?! Yall are leaving me with nick?" I faked.
"Hey, Hey!! Whoa!? Come on, I'm standing right here!" Nick exclaimed.
"Shh, idiot!" I returned the wink, and he raised an eyebrow, "Ugh whatever I'm too bored! Let's go grab lunch!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the elevator.
"Awh, I'm hungry too." Ellie frowned.
"What do you want me to get you?" I walked back.
"Oh, I don't know. Could you grab some McDonalds on the way back? There's one near here," she said.
"Yes of course, send me your order." She smiled and got excited.
"Can you get me some too then?" McGee asked. I turned around to face him.
"Yeah, Of course! Send your order too, and I'll pick it up on the way. Call us if there's a case!" I walked towards nick and got in the elevator.

[in the car]
"So where am I going?" He said as he got out of the car park.
"There's this place, I was gonna go to the other day, it's called Farzi. It looked good, but I've never tried it so I don't know. Up to you, and if have any suggestions...?"
"No, yeah farzo it is!" I laughed, "what?" He smiled at me.
"It's farzi..." he laughed.
"Close enough!" I laughed.

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