~ CHAPTER 11 ~

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My body hung lifelessly from the chains, my hands worn out from gripping the hard metal. It's been 2 weeks since we were captured. My friends were grasping for their lives, coughing up blood every once in a while.
He drained us. Physically...and mentally.

We just wanted it to be over.

I winced at the touch of the cold floor, a man gripped me from my hair, dragging me across the floor. Where are they taking me?
A bag covered my face, blocking my sight, I groaned...not giving us a chance, are they?

"Well well, you look beautiful today, darling. What did you do with your hair? It looks better than ever!" My dad mocked.
"Ha..." I glared at him, "ha," I spat on his face when he got closer.
"Damn it!" He wiped it off his face, "whats with you and spitting?!"
"Sorry," I smiled, "I'd love to say that it won't happen again...but it more than likely will,"
"Hm," he gave a slight smile, "Yeah, you're definitely my daughter!" He laughed, "never been more proud," he put a hand over his 'heart'.
"Just Tell me what you want," I said quietly.
"I want the intel!"
"I already told you all I know!"
"No," he gripped my throat, "you didn't," he hissed.
"Yes I did," I said grasping for breath.
"Damn it, Michelle!" He slammed the desk, "why are you making me do this to you?!"
"I'm sorry- what?" I laughed, "this is all on you, I'm not making you do anything! And I swear to you, I'll get my revenge,"
"And I can't wait," he smirked, "except you'd probably be dead before you get your revenge," he laughed maniacally, "take her back to the cell. And prepare the others,"
"No, stop. Just leave them, man! You want me, right? Just stop!" I exclaimed.
"Awh, did I break my daughter?" He pouted.
"Fuck you!" I spat on him once again, earning a slap from him, "I'm not your daughter," I said quietly.
"We're bounded by blood, dear. You can't change that,"
"My father died in that explosion. You? You just have his face. You're not my father,"
"But I am. And you have to come in terms with it, cause that's the reality. Whether you like it or not,"
They dragged my body back and cuffed me once again.
"Guys...I'm sorry," a tear fell, "I can't get us out,"
"Rob, it's okay. It's not your fault," Andy said.
"Yeah," I scoffed.
"Robyn...please," I looked at Benji, "this is not your fault, we're serious. Whatever happens, it isn't your fault. You can't keep carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Not every incident is on you," he sighed, "and we're gonna get out of here. Just a little longer," Benji...as optimistic as always- yeah that's not Benji. Benji is more of a "We're gonna die" or "we're not gonna get out, we're trapped forever!!" While screaming at the top of his lungs.
He's staying strong though. That's definitely the Benji I know.

"Hello!" My father bellowed as he entered the hollow room.
"Look who's back. Why so early?" Andy joked.
"Ahah, he's got great humour, Robyn." He gave a fake laugh, "you still fuck him?"
"Just get it over and done with. Is it leg day today?" I rolled my eyes.
"No! Today is much more fun," he smiled, "I think you're gonna like it," he snapped his fingers and a few men came with buckets of water.
"What? you're gonna drown me?" I laughed, "cause I'm not really up for a swim,"
"Lucky for you, today all you're gonna do is watch!" He smiled.
"I'm not really up for tv either,"
"My god, so picky!" He rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers once again. The men emptied the buckets on my friends.
"Now what? You're gonna make them take their shirt off and give me a show?!" I mocked.
"That- That was good. Maybe next time!" He lightly laughed, "Anyways..." he grabbed a stick and aimed it at Theo, "So here's what gonna happen," the stick made contact with Theo's skim, sending surges of electricity through his body. He screamed in pain, clenching his jaw.
"Oo, That was fun," he imitated Theo's scream, "my god," he laughed, "Who's next?"
He tased Andy, Benji, Theo...and I just watched. He reached Benji once again, this time he continued for a while longer.
"STOP!!" I cried, "just stop!" Tears streamed down my face, "what do you want to know?"
"That's more like it," he stopped and turned to me, "anzkin," he said.
"Huh?" The four of us said in unison.
"Don't act dumb,"
"We're not, we've never heard of 'anzkin', What is it? A group?" I said.
"It's one man," he sighed, "I gave him my money till i knew it was safe to come back, now I can't find him."
"That's on you," I glared at him.
"I know, but I trusted him. He trades weapons people, drugs, and anything else that's portable. Heck he's also into poaching. Everything illegal, this man did."
"Wow, a man after your own heart!" I said.
"Yeah, He was a good friend too. It's a shame imma have to kill him now!" Anger grew in him.
"Well, look we don't know any anzkin, so can we just go now?" He laughed.
"Of course not, you're not leaving! Plus I still need information," he walked towards me, bringing the stick closer. My breath hitched as he walked behind my hanging body. I screamed, wincing in pain. "Son of a-"
"No no, manners!" He said, surging more electricity in me. I contained the scream, clenching my jaw. I'm not giving him that satisfactory.

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