~ CHAPTER 14 ~

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Robyn was in shock after her meeting with her dad, nevertheless she kept it a secret. As always. Her brother was alive. But he was in a Ukrainian prison...which she didn't mind, if her brother did truly kill her fiancé, he deserved to be there. And she prayed that he'd rot there.
Her mind had settled, as much as it could, and she was finally able to sleep. She'd have the recurring nightmare every now and then, but thankfully nick was always around to calm her down.
The two lovebirds stormed into the bullpen, a smile plastered on their face after last nights activities. The other team members noticed this of course and began questioning the pair.
"What's got you two so happy?" McGee smiled.
"Nick took his bike to the repair shop...and um- they painted it red for him," Michelle laughed.
"Please stop, it's not funny. That bike was expensive!" Nick laughed.
"Well what did you ask them to do?" Ellie raised an eyebrow.
"I asked them to change the oil," Nick replied.
"And they...painted it?" McGee laughed.
"Yes. Red!" Robyn exclaimed.
"It doesn't matter, I like red."
"Yeah I'm convinced..." she nodded, "except you hate red, you prefer black. Which was the original colour."
"Please shut up," he smiled at her.
"Why don't you just paint it back?" Ellie asked.
"Because...it needs at least two weeks before I start painting it again, or else it'll damage the bike!" He replied furiously.
"Since when?" Robyn laughed at his reply.
"Since always!"
"I've never heard that before..." Ellie said.
"Me neither," McGee added.
"Whatever, What do you guys know about bikes anyway!?"
"Okay..." they all said, wanting to end the conversation before he starts a lecture.
Robyn's phone rang, and a great smile grew on her face as she saw the caller.
"Hey, Steven!" She replied, and walked away for privacy.
"Whoa, I haven't seen her smile like that in a while." Ellie laughed.
"Wait...Steven Steven!?" McGee said amusingly.
"Who the hell is steven?!" Nick looked at the two with confusion.
"He is her ex," Ellie answered him.
"Her what?!" Nick raised an eyebrow, "why is she so happy to talk to him?"
"Who knows...OH. She said she was dating someone...is she back with Steve?" Ellie's eyes grew wide.
"Whaaat?" Nicks voice went high, "I- I don't think so. They're just friends."
"They were great together," McGee nodded, "he made her happy,"
"Okay, Okay. Stop." Nick sighed, "shes coming!"
"Erhm," they all cleared their throat as she came into the bullpen again.
"Okay?" She grabbed her bag, "anyway..."
"Where- where are you going?" Nick said nervously.
"I'm going to Hawaii."
"To see Steve?" Ellie teased.
"Yes...but not in that way." She pulled a disgusted face.
"So erm- do you want some company?" Nick asked softly.
"Hmm," she looked at him for a second, "why not! Come on, let's go." She headed to the elevator.
"Oh. Wow. Bye guys!!" Ellie waved to them.
"Bye," they smiled at her.

"So Steve..." Nick looked at Robyn.
"Yeah..." she answered awkwardly. 
"What's the deal with him?"
"Nick...spit it out!" She stopped the elevator.
"Well I mean...he's your ex right?" She nodded, "and when you saw that he was the one calling, your face screamed 'I just won a million dollars' but it was your ex."
"Okay?" She said unsure where this was going.
"I mean- is there any kind of...lingering feelings?"
"For who?!" She laughed, "Steve?! God no!"
"Okay." He nodded, "cool."
"Oh my god, is Nicky jealous?" She pouted.
"No!" He laughed, "maybe...I don't know. And stop calling me Nicky please!"
"I don't like him, and I'm with you. Hawaii is gonna be fun. So don't ruin it. And Nicky is your name now."
"Okay," he smiled, "Nicky it is."
"Good," she smiled cheekily.

"Director Robyn," a man walked towards the two.
"Steven," she smiled, "Hey." The two hugged as nick stood beside them awkwardly.
"Hey, Who's- Who's this?" Steve questioned as he saw nick.
"Special agent nick Torres, NCIS." Nick offered his hand.
"Commander Steve McGarret, head of the five o task force," he shook his hand. 
The two men stood opposing each other, Steve was of course taller than nick (by a little but it was still noticeable), so Steve was looking down on him. They didn't shift. Robyn stood awkwardly between them now, not knowing what to do.
"Okay...lets go solve those murders," she laughed nervously, "please move."
"You remember the way?" Steve asked.
"Yeah of course I do, I'll race you." She replied.
"Alright, loser buys dinner."
"Deal." The two ran to their cars, Nick of course stood there confused.
"Nick get your ass over here!" Nick sighed as he ran to the car.

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