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The agency is back on its feet, agents are working hard. A job well done, if you ask me! It took a lot of work but I finally put them in their right place. The CIA is bothering me again...I think it's safe to say things are going back to normal.
I'm better now, my mental state has improved. Maybe it's cause i took out all my anger on my sparring partners. Oops.
I went to inform former Director. Collmark's family about his death and everything he meant to MI6 and to me. His wife was hurt that he didn't tell her but she suspected something was fishy about him. Yet she was still proud of him, even if he kept it a secret from her, she understood. She was glad that I told her. He was an amazing father and an amazing husband, he always spoke so highly of his wife. Always wanted to meet her, unfortunately we met under these circumstances. I told her that if she ever needed anything from me or the agency she can contact me anytime, she hugged and thanked me and I was on my way home.

I decided to text Ellie since I haven't met up or caught up with her since I came back...
*Hey Ellie...you busy tonight?

•Hey robyn💕no I'm free,
  what you planning?😃

*Great!! You wanna come
   over and catch up?!😝

•I'd love to!! I'll be there
  in a couple of hours, I gotta
  finish up some stuff first😬

*yeah ofc...see you soon!

I entered my apartment and saw the mess, crap. Every time!  It was tidy just a minute ago.
I cleaned the place quickly and hopped in the shower.
•ten minutes away!!

*dont text and drive!!😠


*😂😂just come in, doors


*knock, knock*
"I'm here!" She opened the door slowly.
"Ellie!!" I ran up to her and hugged her.
"Rob!!" She hugged me back, "I thought this was the wrong place for a second."
"So we're still sticking with Rob...really?" I looked at her.
"Sorry..." she widely smiled.
"Oh right! Come in!" I led her inside.
"Oof, I haven't been here in ages!" She sat down on the counter stool. "Whatcha makin?"
"That's partly my fault...and I'm making popcorn."
"Oo! Need any help?" I laughed lightly.
"It's only popcorn, love. But thanks," I smiled at her. "Oh, can you grab the thing from the fridge!"
"Sure," she opened the fridge, "what thing exactly?"
"The Oreo looking thingy!" I heard her lightly say 'oh' and she put it in front of me on the counter. "Popcorn is ready!" I but it in a bowl, and got a knife to cut up the Oreo cheesecake.
"This looks delicious! You didn't have to make this, we've known each other for a while now-"
"Yes I know but you haven't been for a while like you said and plus I was craving some so..."
"Ah, I see!" She took the popcorn bowl and headed to the living room, I followed suit with the two plates.
We chatted for a while, until we got interrupted as my phone rang. It was nick, why's he calling now?
"Sorry..." she smiled, I stood up left the room.
-hello [i said as I answered]
-what's up?
•Nothing. You?
-uhm, I'm-
•why do you sound nervous? Are you on a date?
-what?! No! Don't be silly, I don't do dates.
-what's that suppose to mean?
• ...Nothing?
-look, Ellie's here, okay? I'm tryna catch up with her so please. Can I just call you later?
•oh, yeah of course. Have a great night! Call me later, don't forget!
-sure, I promise...but it could be at like 2 am?
•I'm up all night waiting
-you really wanna talk to me that bad
•what..? [his voice hitched]
- [i laughed] ill call later idiot, bye!
(Call ended)
"Sorry..." I sat beside her again.
"What for? It's just a phone call,"
"Right...so what were we talking about?"
"THAT doesn't matter, you just came back here grinning from ear to ear, who was on the phone?"
"Oh, I didn't notice. And no one." I began to fiddle with my fingers.
"Clearly it's someone," she nudged me.
"Oh my god!" I laughed, "why's everyone interrogating me lately?"  She laughed.
"Fine! But if there is someone, I'll be the first to find out, right?"
"Sure, Whatever you want" I smiled at her.

"You know what sucks..." I rambled on.
"We're surrounded by dudes everyday,"
"Tell me about it," she chuckled.
"Honestly, you're probably my only female coworker. Well we're not even coworkers. My life sucks!"
"Oof, I can imagine that. Three brothers,"
"Oh yeah, nah you got it worse. You lived with them for a loooonggg time," she laughed and agreed.
"But Nick and McGee are alright."
"Yeah he-they are" I quickly corrected myself.
"So what you been up to lately?"
"Nothing much, just reviving an agency"
"How'd that go?"
"Good so far! What bout you? Dating again?"
"Umm...I don't know,"
"I guess..." I smiled, she was moving on. I squealed, which was weird for me. She laughed at my reaction.
"Who?!!??" I screamed.
"You don't know him!"
"Does he work in NCIS?"
"Kind of...not exactly. I don't know."
"Yes! He works in NCIS,"
"Awh this is so cute, I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks," she smiled and looked down.
"You can't tell anyone about this though!! Okay?"
"Of course!! My lips are sealed!"
"Especially Nick! He can't keep his mouth shut!"
"I won't! Pinky promise!?" I give her my pinky and she interlocked hers with mine.
"Good! Now you can't break your promise!" I laughed.

We laughed and talked for hours, even watched a movie. It was a great night, I'm glad I asked her to come. I missed having her around.
"Oh my god!" She yawned, "I better get going, I got work tomorrow!" She got up and put her coat on.
"Oh, I'll see you later then?"
"Yeah!" We hugged each other and she opened the door, "don't forget to call Vance! I need a girl on the team!"
"Haha I won't! Bye love!"

I went into my brothers room and grabbed some shorts and a light hoodie.
I slid into my bed and sighed. I was about to shut my eyes when I remembered...NICK!!!
I jumped out of bed and grabbed my phone.
*you awake?
*ellie just left😅Sorry...

•for a second I thought
you weren't gonna call....

*i wouldn't do that to you😌


*omg let that go!!! IT WAS

•one time is one too many😶

*when did you become so deep?🤨

•I have my moments😏💁🏽‍♂️

*so you gonna call or...
should I go to sleep?!

•if you're tired it's okay

*No! Call idiot!🤦🏻‍♀️☹️

My phone rang, I took a deep breath and answered. I laid back down on the bed...
-NO! You don't have the right!
•[he laughed] why?? It's cute, weird, but cute.
-only Ellie and Gibbs call me that...
•So...I cant call you Rob?
-if you call me Rob, I will call you d**k
•whoa!!! [he laughed] Okay Fine...Robyn!
•So hows work? Did you go see your former directors wife?
-[he remembers?] uh yeah, I did. Works good, what about you? More paper work?
•how did it go? And work would be better and more fun if you were there too
-it went well, and like I said a gazzilion times...I'm thinking about it.
•it's been more than six months! You're still thinking?! [he laughed lightly]
-I will take as long as I want, idiot
•Seems like you already have a nickname for me...
-yes, but clearly it could of been worse
•I guess so [i laughed]
-so why'd you wanna call so bad? Miss me so much?
•yeah actually, I do!
- [what?! Excuse you! My heart skipped a beat you bastard] oh-um, yeah okay cool
-missed you too [i quietly said]
•I also called cause I'm bored...
-of course you were...that's all you ever feel.
•did you just-
-[i laugh] I'm kidding,
•that-that hurt! [he laughed]
-awhh you have feelings?!
• oh my god!! Stop!! [we both laughed]
-I'm sorry!! I saw an opportunity and took it, sorry idiot
•So what are you doing right now?
-just in bed...in my brothers shorts cause they're comfy
•oh I washed them by the way
-it's okay, you can keep them.
•whaaat...I cant keep them.
-if you want an excuse to come, then sure come drop them off
•Kay, great!
-although you don't really need a reason to drop by, I love it when you come over
•oh. I'll keep that in mind
[we talked on the phone for an hour about god knows what, we ended the call after three]
I put my phone back on the nightstand and slept with a big smile on my face.

Once again I have no idea wtff I wrote but it's something😬🌚
Hope yall r liking it so far❤️😝

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