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We finally made it to the destination Ethan has been taking me to. It's a huge mansion, quite beautiful if you ask me, definitely not what I was expecting coming from a gang leader. Maybe Ethan lives here? Or is this their escape house?

Ethan pulls up to the gate and it opens automatically for him. "Lets go." He orders, opening the door and climbing out of the lamborghini effortlessly.

I take a moment to collect myself, maybe I'd feel a little better about this whole, 'joining a gang' thing if I wasn't covered in my ex boyfriends blood. Oh, who am I kidding? This is not something I'd ever want to do but yet here I am anyway! We drove for a good two hours to get here, that gave me plenty of time to think. After Ethan went for his gun, there was no way in hell I'd be opening my mouth again till he says I can. He doesn't seem like the type of guy who will let you lean on his shoulder and talk about your feelings, so I'd rather not take my chances with it.

On that note I open the car door and stumble out, still a little tipsy from all the alcohol from the club. "Welcome home boss." A tall tan skinned man nods, taking the keys from Ethan and avoiding eye contact. So Ethan does live here... The boy who works for him is quite attractive, he has long brown caramel hair, his ears are pierced and he is wearing a form fitting tux that hugs his ass.

"Park it in the usual spot Cameron." Ethan responds in a demanding tone, glaring at me slightly for some reason. Did he notice me checking that Cameron guy out? Is that why he was glaring at me? "C'mon." Ethan grips my wrist tight making me squirm a little bit, which makes him hold on tighter.

I can feel Cameron's eyes on us for a split second, but now we are inside the house, if you can even call it a house. "Holy shit." I mumble under my breath as my eyes take in everything this mansion has to offer.

It is a basic modern style home, the walls are white and actually clean. It has nice home decor, a big screen tv in the living room, a big ass kitchen making me want to cook up something nice and the house never seems to end. Hell, even the staircase is fancy! Way better than anything I've ever lived in.

As we walk through the house there is more men in suits standing around at almost every door and every corner. Why are they just standing around? Oh. They must be bodyguards. Passing by the living room there is a group of people on the fancy leather couch, passing a joint around and playing video games. But once we walk in all eyes are on us.

"How did it go?" The one girl in the room asks, she has dark brown hair and brown eyes. "Who is that?" The blonde guy in the middle of the couch smirks, eyeing me up and down. "Damn what happened to that guy!" Another guy laughs, taking a long hit from the joint in his fingers. "He's got an ass, oh fuck." The dark haired boy bites his lip, also checking me out.

The questions keep coming, one after the other making me feel extremely uncomfortable and out of place. I scoot a little closer to Ethan seeking some sort of comfort, and I end up finding it in his body warmth pressing myself so close to him that our arms brush together. His hand is still holding my wrist and he must notice my discomfort because he slides his hand down to intertwine our fingers together protectively. The way his hand fits in mine should not make me feel like this, he is a fucking gang leader! Why does his touch make me feel so safe?

"Alright shut the fuck up!" He exclaims throwing his free hand up in annoyance making everyone go silent immediately. "Cam, come with us. The rest of you I'll explain it later. And you have better gotten my fucking quota done that I asked for, you all know what happens if you didn't." Ethan hisses, turning around and heading up the stairs with me by his side and Cam, the girl, behind us.

We make it up to the third floor and round the corner to two big double doors, Ethan pushes them open revealing the masters room. This must be Ethan's room. "So, who is this?" The girl asks, plopping on the small couch near the balcony sliding glass door.

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