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If there is one thing Grayson has learned, it's that Ethan Dolan is full of surprises.

They had planned to go on their trip to Australia and Ethan had them fly in his private jet. When the fuck did he even get one of those!? Grayson just stood there in awe staring at it with wide eyes frozen in place until Ethan had tugged him on the aircraft rolling his eyes in the process. But it does make sense why he has one, he is a wanted man and his face is all over the news so it's not like they can take a normal airplane on trips. Especially not on a flight as long as the one to Australia from LA.

And Grayson is not complaining.

No more miserable plane rides with screaming babies and an obnoxious child sitting behind you kicking your seat the whole ride, or having a complete stranger fall asleep on your shoulder.

But as if the private jet wasn't enough once they drove up to the place they were staying for the week, the place that Ethan had said 'was no big deal'. Grayson swore he had almost tripped on his face getting out of the car just to take a good look at the giant beach house mansion standing before him.

It was fucking beautiful.

The front of the house was decked out in tall glass windows from ground up to the roof and Grayson makes a note to set Ethan's ringtone to 7 Rings by Ariana Grande later. He doesn't realize he was starring, more like drooling at the house till he feels eyes on him. Ethan is looking at him with raised eyebrows, almost as if he doesn't understand why Grayson is acting so weird this whole trip so far.

"You have your own fucking private jet AND a beach house mansion in Australia?!" Grayson squeaks, flailing his arms above his head probably looking like a goof but does not give two shits at the moment. Ethan scoffs, clearly trying to act annoyed by this behavior but the smile on his lips says otherwise. "What other cool shit do you own that I don't know about?" He asks in wonder as Ethan grabs his hand again and tugs Grayson behind him through the front door.

Okay, the outside of this house is amazing, but the inside. "Holy fuck." Grayson whispers to himself, his eyes taking in the view of the most perfect house he has ever laid eyes on. There is a glass chandelier hanging in the center of the front room, a double staircase and a huge painting of a tiger on the wall. The floor is white granite and it is so shiny Grayson can see himself through it. "Okay, that's it. We are moving here. Fuck LA."

Ethan chuckles, the smile on his lips so bright that his dimples are showing. He is holding himself back as much as he can with not pulling Grayson in and kissing him right now. The past few weeks have been nothing but pure torture to have Grayson so close but not being able to touch. He just hopes this little trip will bring them back together because he honestly does not know how much longer he can go like this. "C'mon," Ethan takes a step forward leading to upstairs, still holding onto Grayson's hand trying to get him to move. "Let's go put our shit upstairs then go to the beach. And don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to drool over this house later."

Grayson doesn't hesitate to follow behind Ethan. His curiosity getting the best of him to see more of this house and he really fucking wants to go to the beach. Plus he is kind of purposely taking his time to look at the house, just so Ethan will hold his hand and drag him around. He loves the warmth radiating off of Ethan's palm into his own.

They had this trip planned for three weeks now and Grayson has been itching to get out of LA. Each day leading up to the trip had gone by slower than the last. It didn't help that Ethan had been extra moody on top of it. Grayson knows that Ethan doesn't get much sleep without him, and to be honest Grayson doesn't sleep good without Ethan by his side either. Plus Ethan was spending all his time hunting down the remaining members of Jack's gang like a madman. He did good to, now there is only five more members left. After a while they had figured out Ethan was not going to stop until every single last one of them are dead, leaving nothing and no one of their gang. So they had gotten scared and ran, only making things on Ethan's side much more difficult.

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