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The sound of birds chirping and the sun peeking through the windows is what wakes Grayson up. His body feels like it's been ran over by a semi truck. Slowly he blinks his eyes open, letting them adjust to the bright light. He is laying on his side and the first thing he sees is Ethan's sleeping face.

God dammit.

He'd almost forgot. He lives in a house full of gang members now, and he is one of them. He is sharing a bed with the fucking gang leader for Christ sake! The biggest gang leader in all of California to be exact.

He's heard of Ethan before, a few years ago he was driving to class and on the radio they talked about how the infamous gang leader Ethan Dolan had escaped just days before his death sentence. They had also talked about all the people he had killed, some with his bare hands, some with his teeth, and the lucky ones with a gun. Ethan is not the type of person you mess with. He is a murderer.

Grayson eyes the man next to him, his breathing is steady as his bare chest rises and falls. He looks so peaceful asleep, relaxed. Even with all the tattoos he almost looks childlike, as if he is innocent and precious. A scowl makes its way on Grayson's lips. He shouldn't be thinking about Ethan like this.

He kidnapped him. Threatened to kill him. Forced him to join his gang. Forced him to throw his life away.

Ethan Dolan is a gang leader and a murderer. Not an option for a boyfriend no matter how attractive.

But now that Grayson is thinking about it, he really isn't much better now is he?

He shot Jack right in the skull without thinking twice about it. He watched his lifeless body fall onto the hard concrete floor. He killed him. He killed him because he was so hurt and upset, he had been cheated on. His heart shattered that day, he was so broken and to in shock to fully comprehend the sin he made. He had taken a life, Jack's life. The only man he has ever loved.

Grayson hadn't realized he was crying until Ethan's hazel eyes opened and were on him. Grayson felt a little embarrassed, but he let himself cry anyways. Sitting on the bed he curled in on himself, his legs bent and his head tucked on them as if to shield himself away from the Gang Lord and his big mansion. He kept his eyes closed pretending he was back at his apartment studio, that he had a test to study for, that Jack would be home any minute to hold him.

A sob leaves his mouth at the thought of Jack. Grayson pulls his legs in closer to himself, he can feel Ethan's eyes on him just staring, not saying a word. Grayson wishes Ethan would just take the glock on his nightstand and shoot him with it, put him out of his misery already. He doesn't want to be in a gang, he doesn't want to be a murderer, he just wants to go home.

Grayson lays there crying for what felt like hours, Ethan just stared at him with curious eyes the whole time. When he finally settles down and his sobs turn into little hiccups Ethan finally speaks up. "Get dressed." He climbs out of bed in just his boxer briefs that hug his ass just right, bare feet padding to his walk in closet and disappearing behind it.

Grayson feels numb. Like a mindless zombie. It's kind of like an out of body experience, he feels like he can see himself getting out of the california king size bed heading to the bathroom. Glancing at his reflection in the mirror he winces at his puffy red eyes. He really looks like shit.

Mindlessly he puts on his clothes from the night before, crust from the dried blood, Jack's dried blood. He almost had his pants on when Ethan stumbles in the bathroom. "God, don't wear that shit." He groans in disappointment. Grayson wants to yell at him, scream at him that this is the only thing he has with him! He doesn't have his phone, his wallet, not even a spare change of clothing! He was about to open his mouth but Ethan was already out of the bathroom.

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