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The first thing Grayson notices when he wakes up is his head pounding through his skull. It feels like his head is beating along with his racing heart beat in his rib cage. Speaking of his ribs, they might be broken, or at least bruised. His whole fucking body feels like it got ran over.

Oh fuck.

That's because he did get ran over!

Placing his hands on the sides of him to sit up, he realizes he is on the cold concrete floor. What happened after he passed out? Is he dead? Is this hell? Did Ethan come after him and kill him for leaving like he promised he would?

At the thought of Ethan his stomach churns. He cheated right in front of his fucking face. Tears prick his eyes at the memory of it. Ethan had his hand down her skirt, he had his tongue in her mouth, even in the dark lit room Grayson could see them clear as day. Grayson was gone for only ten minutes and look what had happened. Ethan wasn't even drunk, he had only had one drink. Guess that shows how much Ethan really cared about him.

But what was he even expecting?! He got fucking kidnapped by the guy for crying out loud! How did he manage to fall for him when Ethan took his whole life away from him? Ethan turned Grayson into a killer. He has blood on his hands because of Ethan.

A wave of nausea washes down his body like a bucket of cold water dumped on his skin. He stumbles to get up to his feet but his body is screaming at him to lay back down. It's hard to see where he is since the room he is in is pitch black. The sound of a chain moving on the floor catches his attention. A heavy weight is on his bare ankle and he realizes what it is. Apparently he is cuffed at the ankle by a thick chain. It pinches his skin when he moves, probably making his ankle bleed.

He is stripped down bare, only in Ethan's tight black boxer briefs. The ceiling creeks above him, he must be in the basement. Slowly taking a few steps forward, he holds his arms out to try and find the wall. The chain reaches its limit and locks causing Grayson to curse under his breath and fall onto the hard floor only making his concussion worse.

There is a nasty smell in this room. It smells like metal, and something rotten. This only makes the boy even more nauseous and he is sure he doesn't want to know what is the cause of this stench.

The door bursts open from the far right of the room, light blaring in from it. There is a shadowy figure standing in the doorway, Grayson is sitting there on the ground, his hand is up to his eyes to block out the harsh light with his head ducked low.

"HE'S AWAKE!" The mans gruff voice echoes loudly through the room causing Grayson to wince. Did this shitface really have to scream? Laughter echoes into the room and off the walls, footsteps coming down what sounds like stairs outside of the door leading to the room Grayson is in. The footsteps crowd the doorway as the light is turned on.

Grayson has to shut his eyes from the sudden brightness. He curls his legs into himself feeling exposed only in underwear. "Well well well. If it isn't the infamous Grayson Bailey." An unfamiliar deep voice taunts, whoever it is they are walking towards him. Grayson forces his eyes open, squinting at the strangers that took him afraid they are going to hit him. He looks around at the room he is in to take in his surroundings, and instantly regrets it.

The room is filled with drills, saws, knifes, and dentist looking tools. All the tools covered in blood. There is a steel table in the middle of the room, also covered in blood. On the left side is two dead bodies dangling from their feet. Grayson cannot even make out their faces to tell if they were a woman or a man. Whoever tortured them smashed their faces in, and their heads were shaved, their bodies so thin Grayson can see every bone poking out.

If he hadn't seen so many dead bodies in the past month, he would have vomited at the sight.

He flinches at the hand on his cheek, the blonde man above him caressing it softly. "That'll be you if you don't cooperate pretty boy." Grayson glares through his hair that had fallen into his eyes, but seeing the man in front of him makes his eyes widen. "Jake?!" He croaks, his voice is hardly even there making him wonder how long it's been since he had last used it.

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