The Past is a Bitch

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Grayson woke up to the smell of weed.

His head is throbbing, thumping loud in his skull. He doesn't remember falling asleep. Groaning he runs his hand through his messy hair keeping his eyes shut trying to remember what he drank to make him feel so shitty. Suddenly all the memories come flooding back at once, him waking up to gunshots, him stepping over dead bodies, him killing a man to save Ethan, Cameron -

He sits up with a gasp but someone shoves him back down on the, bed? Is this a bed? "Woah, calm down." Ethan actually sounds worried. Grayson's eyes trail around the room he is in, it's definitely not the mansion but it's still pretty big. There is a bathroom on the far left corner connected to the room and he is on a king size mattress with dark red sheets.

"Here, eat this." A snickers bar is shoved into his face and past his lips before he can even deny it. The taste of peanuts and caramel swirls around his mouth and it isn't until then that he realizes how hungry he is. He also realizes how truly worn out he is, so he lets Ethan feed him the chocolate bar instead of trying to take it out of his hands.

"Where are we?" He asks laying back down on his back, Ethan is laying next to him shirtless propped up in his elbow with a blunt in between his lips. Grayson can't help but stare, Ethan really is beautiful. Even if he looks exhausted. He has bags under his hazel eyes, and a bit of scuff on his chin. He is looking at Grayson with worry in his eyes.

"My safe house, no one knows about it." He replies softly, reaching his arm out to run his tatted fingers through Grayson's messy hair. "You really scared the shit out of me asshole." He whispers sounding sleepy, looking at Grayson through his eyelashes.

Ethan running his fingers across his scalp, tugging the ends of his hair lightly is making Grayson want to fall into blissful sleep as well. But he is still confused. "What happened, E?" His lips close around the candy bar as he takes another bite.

"Jake betrayed me," He killed Jake, he bashed his head in after he nearly choked him to death. Grayson can still hear the sound of his head hitting the floor again and again. "Almost half of my bodyguards were killed, and Jake, he shot Cameron."

"Cameron!" Grayson sits up again, but this time way to fast. His head spins and then the room begins to spin as well, but he has to get to Cameron! She was shot, Grayson had given her some of his blood. He was to caught up in trying to save her and Ethan killing Jake to notice just how much blood he had lost. "Cam! I've got to get to her! She needs me!" His eyes begin to tear up, there is no way she had made it. Not with the condition she was in.

"Grayson no." Ethan tries to lay Grayson down on the bed again, but he is fighting him this time. "Grayson!" He shoves him down so he is above him looking into his eyes. "Cameron is alive, she is fine!"

"Alive? She made it?" He searches the pair of eyes above him, making sure he is one hundred percent telling the truth.

"She woke up once we got to the house, she is alive. You saved her Gray." He begins running his fingers through Grayson's hair again, still hovering over him. "Thank you for saving my sisters life."

Grayson swears he has never heard Ethan talk so much, and he really doesn't want him to shut up. He could listen to his voice for hours. He is pretty sure the weed is helping him open up, but Grayson will take what he can get. So he reaches out and grabs the blunt from between Ethan's lips and places it between his own. He takes a long hit before puffing it out, he already feels lighter, the stress slowly fading away.

He almost jumps when Ethan starts laughing above him. His eyes widen as he stares at the man who has pearly white teeth and a cute grin. He can feel a blush spread across his cheeks but can't get himself to look away from the sight.

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