Pillow Talk

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The warm water surrounds them as they press their lips together softly. Grayson has one hand cupping Ethan's cheek and the other wrapped loosely around his neck. Luckily this tub is fairly large, but they are still two grown men. So Grayson is practically in Ethan's naked lap, but he isn't complaining in the slightest.

They had just washed one another off but that was all they could handle before really getting their hands on one another. Ethan is like a drug. He's on Grayson's mind the second he wakes up till he goes back to sleep. He can't think properly when him and Ethan are in the same room. He knows he would do anything for him. And when they touch, it's like nothing Grayson has ever experienced before. He's never felt like this about anyone. It's like he cannot control himself whenever he is around Ethan.

"Wanna fuck you so bad Gray." Ethan says on his lips causing the younger man to moan putting all kinds of images in his mind.

Ethan has his hands on Grayson's thighs that are resting on top of his own, occasionally giving them a squeeze enjoying Grayson's little groans when he does. "No fucking tonight." Grayson gasps when Ethan bites his bottom lip, squeezing onto his shoulder. Once he releases his plump swollen lip the two rest their foreheads together trying to catch their breath.

Ethan has this look in his hazel eyes, almost like they are filled with lust. Like he is fighting himself to hold back from ravishing Grayson right then and there. "I went to medical school, E. I know everything that can go wrong if your stitches tear." Grayson says softly, giving his crush a peck on the lips, then on the cheek, and before he knows it he is leaving purple hickies all over Ethan's neck and collar bone.

Ethan slides his hands from Grayson's thighs to his hips and tugs him closer so he is completely sitting on his lap now. The water rushes from one side of the tub to the other at this motion, and their erections brush together for a split second. Both boys groan at the slight touch. "I've had stitches tear plenty of times, I can handle it." Ethan pants, tilting his head to the side giving Grayson more access.

"Not happening." Grayson growls, and bites down hard on Ethan's shoulder making him hiss gripping Grayson's hips hard enough to leave hand prints.

Grayson pulls away from his neck to look at the Gang Lord. He is wrecked. His damp hair is hanging loosely on his forehead and his lips are swollen red from all the kissing. He has the smallest pout on his lips and Grayson cannot help the chuckle that leaves his own lips. He runs his fingers through Ethan's hair, pulling it out of his face and now he has a little pink on his cheeks. "I promise, the second your stitches are out you can fuck me all you want. But, in the meantime.."

Reaching his hand under the water, Grayson grips his and Ethan's hard ons and starts pumping them. Ethan's hands grip the edge of the tub hard enough to make his knuckles turn white. "Holy fuck." He moans, leaning his head forward to rest it on Grayson's shoulder. Grayson slides his free hand into Ethan's hair and holds on.

Ethan brings his hand on top of Grayson's and sets the pace faster. Biting his bottom lip Grayson tries to suppress his moans, but ends up failing. "Ah - shit!" He can't take his eyes off of what they are doing under the warm water. Jacking off has never felt this good.

He can only imagine how good sex will feel with Ethan.

This of course only turns him on more as he finds himself closer to his climax. "E - Ethann, I'm close." He moans loudly into the boys ear on accident, but cannot find it in himself to care at the moment. Ethan wraps his free arm around Grayson's neck in attempt to hold him closer to his body and thrusts his hips up in small motions to match the pace of their pumps.

"Jesus Grayson, keep talking. You are so hot." Ethan presses his lips to the boys neck, leaving small marks. He loves the fact that the two Cameron's can probably hear them, and that Grayson will have his marks painted on his skin until they fade. He finally gets to mark what's his. He gets to show Grayson off the way he's wanted to since he first laid eyes on him in that alley.

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