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The minuet Logan heard Ethan Dolan broke out of prison he knew he was screwed.

He had spent his whole life hidden, trying to stay as far away from that psycho as possible. He did have the best cover up afterall. After Ethan had shot him when they were sixteen for betraying him, Logan had bled out until he lost consciousness. The last thing he had seen was his twin brother Jake's sad blue eyes before the lights turned off. So you can imagine the confusion he felt when he woke up in Jack's medical room, very much alive.

Logan wanted more than anything to go to his brother, to let him know he was still alive, but fear overtook him. He couldn't risk facing Ethan again. But as the years went by vengeance took over Logan, and he would dream every single night about making Ethan's life a living hell.

It all became easy once Grayson walked into the picture. It was like all the pieces fell into place. Jack was dating him at the time, but of course he wasn't serious about his relationship, he never was that type. But no one in the gang thought that Grayson, the boy who is in medical school, grew up on the poor side of town would catch Jack in the act and take his goddamn life for it.

Losing Jack wasn't a big deal, they had sent Ethan after him to do the job to settle their truce but that flat up failed. Logan was there that night. He had a sniper locked right on Ethan's skull, but never took the shot. That night still keeps him awake at night, he was a coward. If he would've taken the shot he wouldn't be in this goddamn mess!

Grayson Bailey. A medical student majoring to be a doctor, youngest in his class. He worked in a gay strip club as a stripper and then worked on the streets as a prostitute. No one expected him to join a gang and become one of the most ruthless men in the United States. That's why the had taken him, beat him, and raped him.

That was another one of Logan's mistakes, he underestimated Grayson that night. He should have never shown his face to him either.

Because ever since that night Ethan broke out of jail the day of his death sentence, he has been picking off every member of Jack's gang like flower petals.

At first Ethan was bringing the rest of his gang with him, taking lives like a madman. He shot up the whole house and killed thirteen members in one night. But then it had slowed down after that. Jack's gang had abandoned ship, packed up their bags and ran. But Ethan wasn't far behind them.

He torched their new house, seven men burnt to death. Logan has a nasty scar on the whole left side of his face from his forehead down to his neck from it.

After that night, all the killing had stopped for a week, leaving five scared men left of Jack's gang. For a split second Logan had hope. Maybe something had happened to Ethan? Maybe all the smoking and drinking finally killed him off for good? But that hope had vanished as quickly as it popped up in his brain.

So Logan did what he does best and ran.

He flew around the country to different locations, only staying a week tops per place then he'd pack up again and move. He had grown out his hair, and his beard to make himself look different, and had even died his hair brown. Things seemed to be okay after that, and the fear of Ethan finding him had started to fade as time went by. He had decided to stay in New York for a little longer, maybe go out and make some friends or even get a job.

He was walking home from the bar when it had happened. Right there at his front door was Eddie. He was hanging from the ceiling by his ankles, his blue eyes had appeared to be gauged out of their sockets and his throat had a huge gash in it. All that fear came rushing over Logan's body like waves at the sight. Eddie was Jack's second hand man. Last Logan heard, Eddie was living in Texas and was working nights at the club. But Ethan had found him, and Ethan was here to deliver him and still could be here.

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